Twenty Seven

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The next day Alyarra woke up to Aemond still cuddling her into his chest. It was something very rare, as he would always be gone from their chambers before she would wake to train with his sword. She wiggled a tiny bit and looked up at him, to find him already awake. His sapphire eye glistening at her.

"Good morning, beautiful girl." Aemond whispered, planting a sweet kiss on the top of her head. Alyarra smiled and snuggled into his bare chest. "Morning." She whispered softly.

"It is a nice suprise that you are still here and not training." She told him, slightly raising her head to look at her husband. Aemond smiled down at her, his eye running through her face. She looked ethereal even when just woken up.

"I will not be partaking in my usual duties on this day. I wish to take this day and make it about just the two of us. Would that be agreeable for you?" Aemond asked, and Alyarra gave him a tiny smile.

She appreciated the idea, especially since she had been so down and distant ever since what happened with Aegon.

"Very... What do you want to do?" She inquired as Aemond shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever you want. We can take Vhagar on a ride, or go hawking, maybe hunting, or stag riding, maybe even visit the orphanage and the kids. We can do whatever you want, love. I only wish to see you smile." Alyarra could not help but smile at what Aemond was saying.

"Can we take Vhagar on a ride? And maybe after that, go hawking in the gardens?" Alyarra asked her husband excitedly, who smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

"That sounds great. Where do you want to go on Vhagar?" Aemond asked as Alyarra's face lit up with an idea. "To the sea! I've never ever been!" She was excited, and Aemond was relieved to see life back in her face finally.

He had decided to listen to Catherryn, no matter how rude she was. He had been so focused on making Alyarra his that he had become completely blind to her feelings. All of this time he was only looking at his own needs, not once looking to the side to see if she was fine. But he was going to change that... He would strive to make her whole again. To make her be happy as his wife.

They got ready and soon were headed to the Dragonpit together. People would whisper and stare as they saw the new princess finally around the castle. It had been one entire week since anyone besides her husband and her lady had seen her, and some said she was carrying a child conceived out of wedlock. As that would explain their rather fast betrothal.

Which was not the reason.

The reason was that she was terrified of seeing Aegon through the castle, especially because he had gone unpunished for his sins.

Aemond was protectively holding his arm around her, letting her know that he was there for her. He did not let her go, not once. And soon they were in the Dragonpit, with Vhagar being brought forth for their mounting.

Aemond helped Alyarra up unto the saddle, and then he mounted Vhagar. He made sure to put on the restraints on his wife on tightly, but he did not do the same on himsef. He never really restrained himsef to his saddle. He had gotten accustomed to riding without them.

"Are you ready, love?" Aemond asked over his shoulder as Alyarra nodded and leaned into his back. Her arms wrapped themselves tightly around his waist, "Sōves!" Aemond commanded, causing his dragon to take flight.

He could hear Alyarra laugh and giggle into the wind and it filled his own heart with joy to find her enjoying herself. The ride was smooth and easy, and Alyarra really seemed comfortable as she held unto Aemond. "I want to see fire!" Alyarra exclaimed, making Aemond smirk.

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