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"You seem different, Alyarra. You seem almost scared of speaking in front of the Prince Aemond. Is all well between the both of you?" Cregan Stark would ask his sister Alyarra as soon as the both of them would exit the Great Hall into an empty corridor.

The questioning only made Alyarra's heart beat faster and stronger. Could she possibly confess? Could she do it? Could she end her relationship with Aemond? Alyarra felt stuck. No matter what she teied she couldn't move, she couldn't ask for help.

"Are you with child? Have you sired a bastard? Is that why you've rushed to get betrothed?" Cregan's tone fell to a low whisper, and he earned a gasp and then a cold slap from his sister. Cregan's face barely moved as her palm came in contact with his cheek. But it was the thought what counted.

"Fuck Alyarra. You haven't hit me in years." Cregan grunted to his sister as he rubbed his stinging cheek. Alyarra only glared at him.

"Well... you haven't been cunty in years, brother." She answered, earning a small laugh from her brother. Alyarra rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest, clearly annoyed with her older brother.

"I am not with child. It is offensive you would even think me capable of ruining myself." Alyarra said, with a salty tone rolling off her tongue. She was capable, she had come close many a times. But Cregan need not need know that.

"Well shit sorry. You two just seem off. Like there is some tension between the two of you." Cregan pointed out as Alyarra sighed. Well everything is fine, seldom for the part he is forcing me into a marriage I did not ask for.

"Everything is fine. I promise you. If anything were wrong I would certainly tell you Cregan." Alyarra answered. She was lying. For what reason? She wasn't sure.

Maybe she was weak. Maybe she was far too weak to go against Aemond. Maybe she had already fallen to his feet, and maybe she was too weak to get up.

"That is good to hear. I was worried there for a second." Cregan stated as Alyarra smiled weakly at the only man who could save her. And yet, she didn't speak. She lied.

Who was she kidding? She wanted Aemond. She knew he was the worst thing to happen to her, and yet he cladded her senses completely. It was intoxicating almost; The way she hated yet loved the way he made her feel. She tried as mcuh as she could to hate him, she did. Her mind wanted one thing, yet her body yearned for another.

"You know a few weeks ago I got another letter asking for your hand in marriage." Cregan said casually as Alyarra shrugged nonchalantly. Letters asking for her hand had always been the norm. The Starks were a good family.

"From whom?" Alyarra asked curiously.

"Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen... She offered for her eldest son, Jacaerys Velaryon, to court you. She said it would be a most beneficial pact for the North, as you would become Queen of The Seven Kingdoms in time." Cregan answered, making Alyarra's eye widen in shock at the revelation.

"Wow... I mean... I will never consider it though." Alyarra answered easily as Cregan shrugged. "I know. But just letting you know... There are better options than Aemond Targaryen. You need not rush into anything." Cregan said in a husky voice as Alyarra pressed her lips together.

Oh brother if only you knew. Alyarra thought to herself.

Alyarra knew she had a wide range of men she could choose out of. She was the only female Stark eligible to marry. She was the only way to secure an alliance for life with the North. But she cared little for all the potential marriages she could pick over Aemond. She hated him but she wanted none other than him.

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