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Aemond Targaryen was a lonely, dutiful, intelligent and intelectual young man. He had always been the smart brother, the correct brother, the one that cared. He only had a taste for duty.

Women? They were just a coin in his pocket. He did not care for them, but of course women threw themselves at him every single day at court. Every lady wanted to be his princess, every lady wanted the stronger brother. Because even if Aemond was the second son, everybody knew that he would do great things with his life. 

He hasn't truly been interested in taking a wife, not for now. Obviously when his mother mentioned that the Stark girl was to be courted by him, he grew interested. He was curious of how a lady of her status would behave. A lady that was raised in isolation, in the cold and dark Winterfell by her own brother. He didn't expect a match to happen between the two.

But Alyarra was different. The Stark girl was the opposite of what he thought she would be. She was warm, and she felt like spring. The girl raised in isolation and cold was the girl that warmed his heart. He didn't understand why he felt the way he felt when with her, it was odd to him. He had never felt anything like it before.

He didn't know why he cared for her, as he had only just met her. But he did. He didn't know what to do with it though, he had never been taught about these affairs. He knew better though than to treat women like Aegon did.

So as Aemond walked to his chambers alone after showing Alyarra his dragon, he felt perplexed. Truthfully he didn't know what to do with himself. The girl made him warm and she had gotten there merely a week ago.

Was that good? He didn't know.

As Aemond entered his chambers, he found his mother and his grandsire inside. They appeared to be waiting for him.

"Hello mother, grandsire." Aemond gave them both a curtly nod. His mother moved towards Aemond, grabbing unto his arms as his grandsire watched.

"Were you with the Lady Alyarra?" His mother asked as Aemond nodded his head once. Alicent turned to look back at her father once, and the man simply gave his daughter a nod.

"We wanted to speak with you about this match, Aemond." Alicent spoke as the boy eyed his mother, and then his gaze moved to Otto.

"You have to understand how important and vital this match is for our House, Aemond. Securing your betrothal to the Lady Alyarra will gain us a most valuable ally." Otto told his grandson. Aemond pursed his lips and looked at his grandsire intently.

"Son, that marriage will gain us the entire North. If Cregan supports Aegon's claim, every valuable House in the North will follow. Do you understand?" Alicent asked her son as he nodded his head slowly.

"Say something. Say anything." Alicent pressured her son. The prince pursed his lips together and gazed between the two people in his chambers.

"What would you like me to do?" He asked as his mother took a breath of relieve. Otto gave the boy a small smile.

"You make her feel like the only girl in the world. You make her fall in love with you. Sway her to our side. Make sure she is loyal to you." Alicent ordered as Aemond listened.

"The Lady Alyarra is not a pawn in a game. You know that right?" Aemond asked his mother, making the woman widen her eyes at his comment.

"She is. She most definitely is a pawn in the game of thrones. She is the beloved sister of the man that holds one of the biggest armies in the entirety of Westeros. You get her, you secure your brother his seat on that throne." Otto answered, making the boy roll his eyes.

Of course. It was up to Aemond to secure an army for his brother. As always, he was the one to get things done whilst his brother fucked his way through King's Landing.

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