Thirty Six

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Aemond waited awake for Alyarra to be back from taking Baelon to his mother's chambers. He sipped a Dornish red as he stared into the fire that burned within the fireplace. He watched as the wood turned into ash, and for a second he thought he saw himself in the fire.

Who he was before Storm's End turned into ash, along with his soul.

His cold eye found the door as soon as he heard it open, his wife coming in and shutting it swiftly after her. "You took longer than I expected." Aemond hummed, his cruel gaze returning to the fire that burned in front of him.

Alyarra was surprised to find him sitting there, still dressed in his day clothes and sipping from a goblet. She gulped and gave him a small smile, which was in vain because he was not even looking at her. It seemed the fire was more interesting to him than she was.

"Queen Alicent did not seem to want to let Baelon go. She says he reminds her of you, she kept singing to him and holding him close to her." Alyarra explained the reason why she had taken so long in her visit to Alicent.

"Did you enjoy yourself? Did Helaena?" Aemond asked, turning slightly to look at his wife. She smiled and gave him a nod. "I did, and I think your sister did too. I might take Baelon to see your mother every night. I think the Queen really enjoys his presence." Alyarra spoke and walked towards Aemond's seat.

"How was your day?" She inquired, resting her hands on his shoulders. She had not seen much of him since she was called to the council that morning.

"Dull. Had to sit in council for hours on end listening to Aegon complain because the Lords of the realm aren't bending the knee as easy as he thought they would." He replied cutly as she sighed. Atleast he was talking to her, which was alleviating for her after the last couple of days.

"You're still wearing your day clothes, let me run you a bath." Alyarra suggested. All she wanted was to help with his stress and his eternal bad mood.

"That sounds lovely." Aemond breathed out and so Alyarra moved to their bathchamber. She was pleasantly surprised to find the buckets already poured in the tub. It seemed Catherryn had poured them in before being dismissed.

Alyarra poured some salts into the water and then some lavender herbs, which she knew Aemond liked the smell of. She prepared it with love and then called Aemond in. She could tell something was bothering his mind, a storm was brewing within him for the last week and yet he never spoke up about it. All she wanted was for him to trust her.

Alyarra helped Aemond off his clothes and then watched as he stepped into the tub she had prepared for him. She turned to leave, because she did not think that he wanted her there. But a wet hand grasped her forearm. "Join me."

Her heart jumped at his request. Maybe there was still hope for them. She nodded slightly and turned back to him, her hands moving to the strings that held her dress together. She tugged them off and stepped out of it swiftly.

Aemond watched his wife with a soft expression on his face. He loved her so much, it hurt. It hurt because he knew he was bound to hurt her like he did everyone around him. And he didn't want to hurt her. She was his precious thing. He didn't want to ruin her like he ruined everyone.

This moment sparkled, and it reminded him of the first time he had ever seen Alyarra fully. That moment, who they were then, seemed so far from now. He grasped for the memories of when everything was simple. Of when he wasn't an irredeemable monster.

He held her hand for steadiness as she stepped into the tub. Then she lowered herself into the water and settled in between his legs, leaning back into his chest. He wrapped his strong arms around her and held her close. She smiled, even if they sat in silence because she had craved and missed this intimacy and closeness greatly.

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