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"Have you lost your fucking mind?!" Aemond had been screaming at her for a solid two hours. "I do not understand what has gotten into you?! You've been possessed by a mad woman surely! How stupid could you be to call the King a cunt?!"

Alyarra gritted her teeth together as she listened to his scolding. "I am not stupid! Aegon is a cunt! He is a rapist! He is terrible! And I want him to die!" She contested back. And she meant every word. She daydreamed of Rhaenyra swooping in and killing Aegon.

"Aegon is the king, Alyarra. How could you be so brazen as to call the King a cunt to his face? You are surely lucky you are married to me and that Aegon has this weird infatuation with you, or else you'd be dead." Alyarra scoffed at this. She could not believe Aemond was saying this to her.

"Oh yes, let me thank the Seven Gods for your brother being an obsessive perverted usurper cunt. Thank you, Gods! For you have blessed me beyong belief!" She said sarcastically, her arms crossing over her chest as she glared at Aemond with fire in her usually soft eyes.

"Fucking hells! What the fuck is wrong with you?! What in the hells has gotten into you?!" Aemond took to grabbing her shoulders and shaking her violently, seemingly hoping to get the craziness out of his wife. And this only spurred her on.

"My best friend is being executed for no reason! That got into me!" She screeched, pushing him away from her.

"Your best friend called my brother treacherous names in a letter!" Aemond contested back, and this only made her roll her eyes.

"Yes. She called the usurper an usurper. It is not a lie, Aemond! You call a horse what it is! Aegon usurped Rhaenyra, that makes him an usurper. Don't act shocked when people call him what he is!" She spat back.

"And you've been saying all this time that you should be King! Maybe we should tie a noose around your neck too!" She added venenously.

"You are acting crazy!" Aemond basically screamed, and it only made her even more angry and crazy. "Sorry that I've woken up from my submissive slumber, Aemond! I am so sorry that I am not okay with you putting me through the Seven Hells anymore!" She shouted back.

"You poked a sleeping wolf until it's claws came out and you are complaining for it?! What did you expect would happen?!" She continued.

Alyarra Stark had never considered herself a wolf before. She knew Cregan sure was one, but herself? Never. But now she did. Now she felt it in her bones. She was so angry she was sure she would breathe out icy flames any time now.

"You are truly blaming me for this when all I have done is protect you?" The statement made Alyarra laugh cynically. He was delusional.

"Protect me?! Aemond, where the fuck were you when my child was having a knife put to his head?! Where were you when those two men said they would rape me?! Where were you?! Not there!" She asked frantically, and this time his face fell and he remained silent as he stared at her. He didn't have a reply.

"Were you fucking a whore?! Someone you could abuse?! Someone submissive?! Were you doing what you Targaryens do?!" Alyarra accused, and she had no idea where she got that from. But she could not control the words from rolling off her tongue.

Aemond's face twisted into an expression that she had never seen before. He looked so angry, it made her scared. He stalked to her, towering over her and grabbing her arms with a fire grip. And she winced.

"What did you just accuse me of?" He growled angrily, and his grip for sure would bruise her arms.

"I said that you didn't protect your family because you were probably fucking some whore." She snarled, not backing down even if she was fearful.

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now