Thirty Nine

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Baelon had not been beheaded before her eyes, but Catherryn was going to be. Alyarra had no time to grieve for her best friend, because the very next day after Aemond broke the news to her, a fleet of maids had woken her up and gotten her ready in dark green garments and shoved her into a carriage for Jaehaerys' funeral.

She cried as the carriage paraded Alicent, Helaena, and herself around the capital. Yes, she mourned her nephew. But her uncontrollable tears were for one of the people she loved the most. For the sister that life that gifted her. For her best friend.

Helaena cried too, as did Alicent. The three women cried as the common folk scurried to see them being paraded around. "Behold! The work of Rhaenyra the Cruel!" A herald would announce as the crowd cried in outrage.

In front of them was Jaehaerys' little body being paraded around whilst wrapped in linen with his severed head. The people of King's Landing would yell and scream in outrage at the sight before them. Alyarra sobbed as the people screamed her name. She had become the people's princess, and the commoners were outraged seeing her so distraught.

The shade of Vhagar and Sunfyre covered the parade. The two dragons flew over King's Landing, escorting the crying women to Jaehaerys' funeral.

"Gods bless his soul!"

"Lady Alyarra!"

"Queen Helaena, we love you!"

"Queen Alicent, let the Gods have mercy on your soul!"

"Fuck the Usurper!"

"Shoulda been him!"

Alyarra covered her face with her hands as she cried for her best friend. She wanted to die, she would rather herself be beheaded than Catherryn. Gods, why Catherryn? Not her. Please not her!

When they got to the field where the pyre had been built, the guards of the castle helped the three women off the carriage. Vhagar and Sunfyre landed shortly after and thus the funeral began being conducted by the Septon. All of the nobles gathered around the pyre solemnly as they watched the Kingsguard lay little Prince Jaehaerys' body on it, alongside his head.

Aemond moved to stand next to Alyarra, and Aegon stood next to his mother and sister-wive. Maegor and Jaehaera were brought forth by Helaena's lady-in-waiting as the Septon continued on with his prayers and words.

Alyarra stared directly at the pyre, her mind thinking of her best friend. She would be beheaded, but she would not get a funeral. She sniffed besides her husband, who looked down at her with a hardened expression.

Aemond knew Alyarra was not crying because of Jaehaerys, and he felt terribly for her. He knew just how much Catherryn had meant to her. And he blamed himself for not being able to save her. But he did not know what to say. He wrapped one arm around his wife strongly and held her as she cried. Alyarra turned inwards into his body, leaning her head unto his chest as she sobbed quietly.

"No! Please no! Gods no!" Helaena had ran to the pyre and kneeled down frantically. "Not Jaehaerys! Gods please! Bring him back to me please! Take me! Take me! Please no!" Helaena gripped the severed head of her son in her arms as she cried uncontrollably.

Aegon moved rapidly to tear his sister away from the body, his face completely stoic as he dragged Helaena away from the pyre.

When the Septon finished his speech, he gave one hard nod to the dragonkeepers whom brought Sunfyre forth for Aegon. Alyarra watched solemnly as the man stood foward with teary eyes and a stoic face. He gave one look to his son's body on the pyre, then looked to his dragon and took a deep breath.

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