Chapter 1

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"Dr.Owens! Your patient in room 216 is seizing!"
"I'm on it!" I yelled as I bolted towards the room. Room 216 holds my patient Mrs. Robinson. A kind soul, she has been in and out of this hospital for years. One health issue after another. The poor women is only 45 years old too.

"Give her 4 milligrams of Ativan" I yelled as soon as I approached the bed. This poor woman can't catch a break. Her seizure slowly began to calm down after a few seconds. I finish up in there then head to my office to work on some paperwork before I clock out. It's Friday, which means tonight I can head out and live it up. As I'm finishing up my paperwork my best friend Avery, or as she goes by in the office, Dr.Campbell, walked in

"Heyyyy Thicci Nikki" she said as she flicked her hand up in the air in struck a pose. I couldn't help but laugh at her. "What's up Avery?" I said looking up at her. "Ready to get turnt up as fuck tonight? It's been a long week and I don't know about you, but I need a whiskey sour pronto".

I chuckled and shook my head then looked at her again. "I'm almost done here with this paperwork then I'll be ready to clock out and head home to get ready. I'm more excited to foolishly hook up with someone than to get drunk if I'm being honest. I haven't gotten ANY action since we graduated a few months ago. I'm desperate here Avery"

Avery laughed at me. "Girl that's your fault. You always find the guys who just wanna feel a boob and suck your face for five minutes then ditch you. Not to mention you're straight, if you were Bi like me then you could get ANYBODY served to you on a silver platter. I mean come on, you're hot as hell". I laughed at her again as I put the paperwork away then got my stuff around.

Avery and I live together. We met at college when we first found out we were roommates. We became extremely close friends and decided to live together after we graduated. Since we get paid very well we live in a decently nice apartment. As soon as we got home I went into my room and took a quick shower in my bathroom. I curled my medium length lavender hair then began throwing on a somewhat natural but slightly glamorous makeup look. I put on my favorite skintight lavender dress that came to around my upper/mid-thigh. I threw on some black heals that I for sure could dance in then threw some cash and ID into my black clutch. I texted Avery to let her know I was ready then walked out into the living room. Once Avery was ready we took a picture together in our full body mirror in our living room then posted it on our Snapchat stories then headed to our favorite club. It's only about 2 blocks from our house so if we get too tanked it's not that bad of a walk.

Once we got in I ordered a margarita and of course Avery got her Whiskey Sour. We went onto the dance floor. After around an hour and a half I was already 3 drinks in and starting to feel it. I went to get a fourth but when I went to pay for it someone had already paid. "This one is on the red headed emo down there" and nodded his head towards this man. Around 5ft 10' with messy ruby red and black hair. He was wearing a leather jacket, a band-T, skinny jeans and creepers. I smirks and winked at him and then he approached me.

"So darlin, does this mean we can go dance?" He said in his British accent. Holy fuck that accent was like a trap. Immediately I nodded my head as he took my hand. He lead me to the dance floor and we did as two do on the dance floor at a club, we danced, but not just boringly starring at each other leaving room for Jesus, we left no room what so ever. We danced very . . .very sensually. I kept teasing him periodically by putting my lips inches away from his then pulling away before he managed to kiss me. He bought me another drink and at that point I was definitely drunk, but having the time of my life. As we were at the bar getting our drinks we decided to sit down and just chat for a bit.

"So what's your name? I was too busy admiring your gorgeous green eyes" I said leaning an elbow onto the bar as I sipped my drink.
"My name is Dom. How about you?"
"Nicole. But Everyone calls me Nikki when I'm not at work".
"Whatcha do for work then luv?" He said sipping his beer.
"I'm a Doctor." I said smiling.
"Ahh a Doctor. So what's your name inside the work place?"
"Nicole Owens. Cute name. Hey, what would you say if we get out of here? Get to know each other someplace quieter? Either your place or mine, yeah?"
"Up to you. My roommate Avery will most likely end up at someone else's house for the night unless she comes home instead. But chances are she ends up with someone else for the night. So we can go back to mine if you want. It's not that far anyways, only two blocks"
"Sounds good to me Dr.Owens" he said with a cheeky smirk.
"Oh you ass"I said then laughed.

Dr.Indecisive (Ft.YUNGBLUD)Where stories live. Discover now