Chapter 12

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One full week of tour. We have the weekend off. It's Friday, which means I can finally post the trailer and announce the truths of tours documentary series.

I send the video to Dom, Tom, and Adam, as well as Jack and we all post the trailer on our instagrams. I post mine in my feed and dom does the same. The others post the shorter version of the trailer on their stories and I post it on the YouTube channel.

After about 10 minutes Avery calls so I answer.

Me:Yep. It started as an idea for you and River to see what it's like on tour and instead I'm posting it for pretty much anyone to see. Im posting the first episode Sunday morning. I just need to finalize editing today and tomorrow.
Avery: Oh my gosh! Im so excited! Im going to invite a few co-workers over to watch it the day it's out.
Me:oh god. They're going to be jealous of me
Avery: oh I know. They're going to be even more jealous of me when-
Me:when what?
Avery: Don't worry about it. Anyways I'll let you go. I have to get back to work. Love you, BYEEEE
Me: Bye?
*End of call*

I lay in bed most of the day determined to get the editing finished. I finally finish around 3pm so I get up and grab my notebook of songs I've written in the past. I sit there starting for what seems like forever and then I get a melody in my head I grab my phone and record an audio note. Then I grab my book and start writing lyric ideas down. Within an hour I have the entire song written. I set the book down and roll over on my side and decide to take a nap.

I wake up to Dom coming in to check on me. I open my eyes and he is rubbing my shoulder crouched down in front of my face.

"Aye love? You alright?"

"Mmhmm. Just tired. Is it okay if I go back to sleep?"

"Yeah love. I'll come check on you a bit later okay?"
I nod my head and close my eyes again. After Dom leaves and shuts the door I grab my camera and hold it away from my face a little. I start tearing up.

"I just woke up from a nap, I did some editing and stuff so I get something progress worthy done. And now I just kinda, wanna cry you know?"
I wipe my eyes with my index finger.
"I'm having fun don't get me wrong. I'm very very grateful for my life right now. It just, it sucks that the two people who've been there for me for so long are back in America. And on top of it. . . On top of it my parents want nothing to do with me. And I hope my mom sees this. I hope my mom watches these videos and realize that she was wrong. I know in my gut that all this is right. I just know it."
I take a deep breath.
"Im going to go back to sleep. See you guys next week, bye"

I turn off the camera and go back to sleep.

I basically sleep the entire rest of the day and into the night. I wake up the next morning and it seems like Dom slept over night and is already up. I check my phone briefly then sit up and continue editing. It takes me roughly 2 hours to completely finish it. I work on a thumbnail then schedule it to upload Monday morning.

I lay back down and watch Netflix on my laptop. Dom comes in with a cup of coffee for me and he made me toast.

"Love are you alright? You've been sleeping a lot."
"Yeah I, I think I'm okay. I've just been exhausted. But hey, I finished editing. It's scheduled to upload Monday morning at 9"
I sit up and take the coffee. I take a sip then set it down on the small nightstand.
He sits next to me and wraps his arms around me.

"It's hard at first. But then you slowly get used to it. If you need anything, just let me know. Okay?"
I nod my head as I take a bite of the toast.

"And you know love, this is basically the first meal you've had in almost 24 hours. Are you typically like this when you're depressed?"

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