Chapter 17

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Avery and I are getting ready to go to our ultrasound and bloodwork appointments. It's been only a few days since we both found out and it's been kinda wild. And sex with Dom the past few days has been very very frequent, and it's fucking good too.
Today we are going to use the ultrasound photos we get to tell our friends and family. Well in my case we just need to tell doms friends and family.

We get out of our Uber. We have Dom and Adam with us. We walk in and check in then sit down in the waiting room. Avery looks at Adam.
"This little fucker needs to stop kicking my Ribs." She says to him. Adam chuckles.

"Trust me love, it doesn't get easier" a woman says sitting across from us.
Avery looks at her. "You're kidding, right?"

"Nope. But it's worth it in the long run, once you hold the little bundle of joy in your arms for the first time it's like . . . Everything is worth it. The pain, the hormones, the adventure you go through for 9-10 months, all of it. I wish you the best of luck sweetheart" the women says to her.
Avery smiles wide. "Thank you ma'am, I really needed that". She says.

We continue to anxiously wait until someone comes out and calls both of our names. We all get up and go back. The lady asks us who is going to go first.
"Nikki you go first, your not as far as I am" Avery says. I nod.
"Okay, yeah, I'll go first"
The ultrasound tech tells me what to do and I do so.
She applies the jelly onto my abdomen. Then places the wand onto it.
"Do you know how far along you are?" The lady asks me.

"No I don't." I reply.

"Well, it looks like you're around 14 weeks. I'm shocked you didn't know sooner."

I look at the ultrasound screen and smile. Dom reaches and holds my hand.

"Look at our little rocker in training" I say to Dom.

"Our kid is going to be an amazing person. I know it" he says and kisses my forehead.

I look at Avery and Avery had tears streaming down her face. I laugh at her.
"Awe Avery" I say.

"We get to raise babies together! She says and laughs as she wipes her tears.

I smile and look back at the screen. I take my phone out and take a picture of the screen and send it to our friend group group chat.
"Baby rocker, about 14 weeks so far!"

River is the first one to reply. "AWE! BABY !!!!!"

I heart the message then put my phone down. She takes pictures and prints them out. Then she has me clean up and then Avery gets prepared.

She lays down and the lady applies the jelly, then sticks the wand on.

I take my phone out and start recording.
"Wow, would you like to know the gender?"
Avery looks at Adam. They both nod then she looks back at the lady.
"Yes please"

"Well by the looks of it. . . It's a girl!" Congratulations you two"

"Ahhh! Baby girl! Awe!" She starts tearing up. Adam comes over to her and kisses her.

"Did you not know sooner that you were pregnant ma'am?" The lady asks Avery.

"Well I kinda figured I might be but I didn't have time to look into it so I just kinda . . . Ignored it" she says and chuckles.

"Okay, so I know you're on tour right now because you mentioned it on the phone.

"Well actually, the others are on tour. I'm just here visiting for Christmas.

"I suggest you do the same thing as Nicole here. Go on tour with them. It's not very good for you to be separate from your boyfriend, especially so far along." The lady says as she takes pictures.

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