Chapter 16

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It's been a few days since we were in the studio. Right now we are all drinking while decorating the Christmas tree.

"It feels so weird decorating a Christmas tree. And I can't believe I ended up agreeing on a real tree." I say as I put a red bulb on the tree.

"It's your first Christmas, I want you to experience everything" dom says with a smile.

As we are decorating doms phone starts going off.
"It's my manager. I'll be back" he picks it up and goes into the other room.

The rest of us continue decorating until we hear Dom yelling in the room then he comes running out jumping like a mad man.
"I'm preforming in time square on New Year's Eve!!!" He yells then continues jumping.
"Oh my gosh babe that's amazing!!" I yell back and smile.

Dom takes out his phone and calls his mum and tells her. I listen to the conversation a little bit then go back to decorating.
Decorating for Christmas is fun. I can't believe I missed out on this for so long.

We take a small break from decorating to order food. We decide to order a pizza and garlic knots. While we are waiting for food to arrive Avery starts calling me.

Me: Hello?
Avery: Heyyyyy soo me and River pulled some strings. Sooo we are at the airport waiting for an Uber. I'm working at a hospital in the city for a few weeks and River is going to do his work for school online until his Christmas break starts.
Me: For real?
Avery: Yup. See you soon babe. Byeeeee
Me: BYE!!!

"Guys!!! River and Avery are on their way here!! The worked it out so Avery can still work in some sort of hospital, and River is just going to do his work online until his Christmas break starts."
I laugh and smile wide.

"Yesss!!!! I mean, oh cool" Jack says and giggles.

I get up and go into the kitchen to refill my drink. Dom comes in and stands right against my back and slowly snakes his arms around my waist.

"Well hello there" I say to him with a smile on my face.

"Ello princess" he whispers into my ear as he begins to kiss my neck. He presses his friend against my ass. I moan very quietly.
I whisper "they're in the living room"
"They can't see us, you can be quiet for daddy right?" He whispers into my ear.
I bite my lip. "Depends on how hard you plan on fucking me" I whisper to him.

I turn around and pull him towards me so he is right up against me. I can tell how bad he wants me just from how hard he is right now. I look up at him with my submissive eyes.

"Bedroom. Now" he whispers to me. I let go of him and walk towards the bedroom. He follows me in and locks the door behind us.

He looks at me standing there in the middle of the bedroom. We walk towards each other and immediately start kissing each other. He picks me up and holds me against the wall next to the bed. The moment is full of intense passion and romance, but full of intense hormone levels at the same time. We start ripping each others shirts off. We slowly make our way over to the bed. I lay on my back with my legs spread apart at 90° angles. Dom slowly climbs between my legs. He makes intense eye contact with me as he very slowly inserts himself.
I moan softly. He makes eye contact with me as he slowly thrusts in and out.

We exchange moans until eventually we start getting more and more flustered.
"Faster- I'm getting close" I say to him.
He starts thrusting faster until we both climax at the same time.

He slowly pulls out. We lay there for a minute then get up and put our clothes back on.

We fix ourselves up then go back to the kitchen and actually get drinks then go back into the living room.

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