Chapter 44

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Before this chapter continues, if you haven't already please go read the first 2 chapters at least of Nicole's story which can be found on my profile. If not you'll be confused and this will be a huge spoiler. Thank you and enjoy the next few chapters of your reading, whichever story you read 🖤
I wake up about an hour later. I check my phone and dom texted me telling me they were going to a bar and they would be back late.

I pick up my phone and text my boyfriend from high school, Ryan.
Me: Hey, is Aubrey awake still?
Ryan:Yes. She's been patiently waiting to call you all day. Are you finally alone? Lol.
Me:yeah. The others went out to dinner and I didn't feel good so I took a nap. Aubrey can call when she's ready.

I wait for a few minutes and then my phone rings. I answer it almost immediately.
"Hi Mama!" She says excitedly.
"Hi baby! How was your birthday? I ask her with a huge smile.
"So good! I got your present! I love it!" She says and giggles.
"I'm so glad you love it. I have a question for you." I reply.
"What is it?"
"How about, after I get back from my business trip to New York, I pick you up and maybe you have dinner with me, Dominic, and the twins?" I ask her with a smile.
"I'll get to meet my brother and sister?!" She says excitedly.
"Of course, only if it's okay with dad though."

"Dad?! When mom gets back can I go with her to meet Dominic and the twins?" She yells across their house.

"Of course it's okay." He says.

"Yay! " she says before she starts telling me about how her birthday went. She turned 11 today. I've been with Dom for over a year and I'm still scared to tell him about her. I haven't told anyone about her really, my mom and brother keep it on the DL but I think it's finally time to tell everyone.

I've always been so scared to tell them. Because my father is Aubrey's father. I know I know, I'm an audio person for keeping this a secret for so long. But no matter when I was going to get severely hated and looked down on because of it.

"Mom. I miss you. After you tell them does that mean I'll see you more?" She asks me.

"Yes. When work doesn't get in the way I'll definitely see you more. I miss my girl more than anything in the world. I have something I'm supposed to be at this weekend but if you want I can fly home on the next flight and we can spend some time together? Maybe see grandma and uncle River? You can spend the weekend with me?" I ask her.

"Please? I don't have anything to do this weekend. I really just want to spend time with you" she says.
"Alright. Tonight I'll talk to Dom and them and I'll be on the next flight out there. I promise" I say.

"Okay mom. I'm gonna go to bed. Here's dad" she says and hands him the phone back then leaves.

I talk to Ryan and make sure everything is okay with him. I then talk to him and catch up. I tell him I'm pregnant with Dom and I's 3rd child, my 4th. I tell him everything that's going on and he tells me everything that's going on with his. Before I know it, the others are back from dinner and the bar. So we say goodbye and he wishes me luck.

When Dom comes in he looks at me and he can tell something is up.

"What's wrong?" He asks.
"I lied to you" I say and bite my lip.

"A-about what?" He says and sits down.

"When I was 14. I was pregnant for the first time. Of course it was my fathers doing, but I didn't have an abortion. The day I found out I went to my friend Ava's house. Her brother was 16 at the time, he said he would be the father and that when I gave birth he would take custody of the baby and raise her and that I could see her whenever I wanted. Ever since I went to college I kept it a secret. I balanced keeping Ryan and the baby a secret and going on with my everyday life ever since. Her name is Aubrey, today she turned 11 years old. And . . . I was wondering if after you get back from here if you wanted to pick her up and take her to dinner? So you two can get to know each other?"

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