Chapter 4

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My alarm went off at 5 am and River woke me up for it by slapping my face with a pillow. I sat up and shut my alarm off then got up and started getting ready. I typically don't work on weekends but it's Sunday and if I work today then I have to work less hours during the week. I might see if I can get out sooner that 6 but we'll see. I quickly got a shower then I put my scrubs on. I put on my work shoes then I go out to the living room the grab the rest of my things. I leave a note on the fridge that says "going to work for a few hours. Text me when you guys wake up". I grab my keys off the counter then go to my car. On my way to work I stop at Starbucks and get a salted Carmel cream cold brew and an everything bagel with cream cheese. When I got into work they decided to give me a new patient. I started looking over the chart then go to introduce myself to the patient and talk to them a bit. After that I went to check on Mrs.Robinson.

As soon as I walked in like always her face lit up. "Hello my favorite doctor! I got your flowers. Thank you very very much they're just gorgeous!". I smiled wide "Good morning Mrs.Robinson. I'm glad you like your flowers, how are you feeling?".
"I feel kind of sluggish to be honest. I couldn't taste my orange juice this morning and I'm having a little trouble breathing. Is it anything to be worried about?"

I stop and think to myself for a minute. Then it hit me. She has symptoms of Covid. And she just had surgery! I leave and come back to have a rapid test done. "I'll be back in about 15 minutes. I'm going to put you on oxygen in the meantime. Okay?"

She nods. "Yes that would be lovely. I would love to be able to breath." She laughs and coughs a bit. I put her on some oxygen and then I go to run the test. Within the first 5 minutes it popped up positive but I waited the extra 10 minutes to be sure. Once I knew she was positive I had a few nurses move her to her own private room then go in to update her on why.

"Okay so you just tested positive for Covid. So we moved you to your own room. If you need anything at all feel free to ask. Okay?" It won't be a problem what so ever. If they need me they'll page me. I'll be back in a few hours okay?"

"Oh okay Dr.Owens. Thank you for always taking such good care of me."

I smile at her. "It's no problem. Rest up"

I leave and go back to my office to answer emails and stuff. I check on her periodically as well as a few other patients of mine and then go back to my office. Around noon my pager and my phone start going crazy. It's Mrs.Robinson. I get up and book it to her room. As I'm approaching I hear a nurse yell "She's crashing she's crashing!!!" I run over to her bed and pull my mask up. "Get a crash cart now!!".

I start doing chest compressions while they work on getting a crash cart in here. "Come on Mrs.Robinson you can't die on me now. You're so strong and so brave. Don't let this stupid sickness take you from me." As soon as the crash cart gets here we start doing everything we can. After about 2 minutes there's still nothing. A nurse pipes up "Dr.Owens". I ignore her. "Dr.Owens! You need to call It!". I start crying and refuse. I continue to ignore the nurses and colleagues. After another 3 minutes I start hearing beeping on the monitor. She has a pulse but can't breath and she isn't waking up. I intubate her then have the nurses clean up. I go back to my office and call Avery.

Avery: Hey what's up?
I sniffle and let out a small sob noise.
Me: I almost lost her Avery. I almost lost her.
Avery: what do you mean? Who?
Me: Mrs.Robinson. I almost lost her. She just tested positive for Covid shortly after I got here. She started crashing and after like 4 minutes of doing CPR they told me to cal it but I refused. I continued and finally I got a pulse but I had to intubate.
Avery: Oh my god I'm so sorry. Wait a little bit and then see if they'll let you leave. Okay? And then I'll go in and keep an eye on her for you.
Me: okay. Thank you. You're the best.
Avery:It's no problem. Anything for my best friend.
I smile and sniffle as I use a tissue to wipe my eyes.
Me: okay. See you soon. Bye
Avery: Bye

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