Chapter 13

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It's Sunday night (a week from last chapter). We're all up hanging out inside the sitting area just listening to music and talking about stuff. We're talking about the show tomorrow night and then suddenly Dom checks his phone because he gets a text.

"Oh hold on. I'll be right back."
He gets off the bus and is gone for like 25 minutes until suddenly the door opens back up.

"Sorry guys I had to go meet some people real quick."

He gets back on and then River and Avery follow.

I get up and bolt to them. I hug River as tight as I can.
"Hey sis. We missed you so we decided to come and surprise you. Dom helped us out of course"

I look at dom with my eyes brimming with tears. Avery comes over to me and hugs me tightly.

"Your boyfriend there sure is a genius. We're going to be with you for about 2 weeks. Okay?"

"Really?" I say and looking at Avery as I start crying.

"Awe Nikki, did you really miss us that much?"

I nod my head. "Yes" then hug them both again as tight as I possibly can. Then I let go and jump into Doms arms. I wrap my legs around him and grip onto him as I cry. "Thank you so so much. You're literally the best human ever"

"No problem Luv. Anything for you"

I look over at Tom and laugh when I see he was recording.

"You were in on this too weren't you?"
Him and Adam both nod.

Avery sets her stuff down and climbs onto Adams lap and hugs and kisses him like she hasn't seen him in a million years when it has in fact only been a little over 2 weeks. I've never seen Avery like this with anyone, ever.

Avery and I both grew up in broken homes, it's one of the reasons why we grew so close. And then once we moved out of our dorm and got an apartment together, she met my brother River and then we became a family. Us three, we are a team, we are there for each other through everything. When one of us hurts, we all hurt, when one of us is excited and happy, we all are. Since I first became close with Avery, we decided that when each of us gets married, we would walk each other down the isle. None of us like our parents, so we all take care of each other. We love each other.

I sit down on the beanbag chair and look at River.
"Guess who was in the studio the other day recording a few songs?"

River runs over and sits on the bean bag with me.
"Oh fuck, really? Are you excited? Was it fun?"

"Yes, yes, and fuck yeah!" I laugh. I hug him again.

"I can't wait to help you get ready this week."

"I really needed you River, not just for help with my hair, but I needed my brother."

"I know sis. Oh Um . . . Mom called me the other day"

I let go of him. "Oh great what did she say now?"

"She's upset. Very upset. And . . . She's upset with you."

"Why is she upset with me? Her husband abused me for years River. YEARS. I have every single right to be upset. She on the other hand, has NO fucking right to be upset with me. She is officially out of my life River. I don't care about what she thinks of me, what I'm doing with my life, is what I want to do with it. And I'm sick of her taking charge of me. I'm my own fucking person"

"I know Nicole. She said she'll forgive you if you say that you wanted dad to do that to you, she wants you to drop all charges against him, so he can come home."

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