Chapter 30

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Never Reach The Sky has a meeting this morning and then after that I have interviews and stuff for the rest of the day. So basically it's a press day.

I wake up around 8am and started getting ready. I take a nice long hot shower then start getting dressed. I put on a short sleeved shirt and a sleeveless black denim jacket then I put on black mesh stockings covered in butterflies and black ripped denim shorts. I do my makeup and have River help me with my hair.

I take a deep breath and shake my hands then slip on a pair of platform boots.
"Okay, me and you are going together and then the other girls are going to meet us there" I say then take another deep breath.

"Hey, you seem really nervous? Are you okay?" River asks then rubs my back.
"I'm scared they'll hear the songs and decide they don't like them anymore. And I'm scared they won't like our ideas for music videos and pictures and stuff. I'm just-"

"Extremely fucking anxious?" He says then laughs.
I nod and chuckle.
"Come on, let's get going and we can get you coffee and some breakfast." River says then grabs the keys off the counter.
I nod and grab my bag then head to the car.
We stop at Starbucks and then go to the record company building.

When we get to the building and sit on a bench while we wait for Tessa and Scarlett. I look up from my phone and sip my coffee then see them walking over.

They walk up and we all hug each other.
"I'm extremely anxious" Tessa says out of breath with her hands set on my shoulder.
"Me too" I nod and chuckle.

"I missed you." She says to me.
"It's only been 3 days " I say then chuckle.
"I know, but I need this" she says then puts her hand on the back of my head and pulls me closely. She puts her other hand on my ass and squeezes it as she kisses me. I kiss back and moan softly.
Once she can tell she has me flustered she pulls away and giggles.
"Anxious still?" She asks me with a smirk.
"No, just extremely turned on, but I feel powerful now. Let's do this shit" I say as we walk towards the building while straightening myself up.

We check in then they lead us to the meeting room. We all sit down and talk about stuff.

"So have you guys decided what song you wanna release first?" Someone asks us.

We all look at each other than back at them and nod.
"The song me and Nic wrote together" River says with a smile.
"Do you have a title for it?" They ask us.

"Well, see the idea we had is maybe leading up to the album, the singles we release can be stories of our own that we share about us individually. Like, me and River have our song drop first, then Scarlets, and then Tessa's. " I say to them then take a deep breath.

"That's a unique idea. I like that, so would you title the songs after yourselves?"
We all nod.
"Alright. Sounds good to us. Do you guys have ideas for music videos and pictures for covers yet?"

Me and River nod then tell them our idea, then scarlet tells them her idea for hers, and then Tessa tells them her idea for hers. The love all the ideas and we start planning things out a bit. After about 2 hours the meeting is over so we head out and us 4 get lunch together, we decide to go to a little restaurant just to talk about plans for the band.

"Okay soooo...depending on how good the music does, should we plan a tour?" River asks.

"That's the thing. As much as I would love to . . . I have two babies and Dom. I'm too scared to go on a tour without them . . ." I say then play with my hands a bit.

"We'll wait and see, okay? Maybe we periodically play shows and then maybe us and Dom could do like, a combined tour? Two headliners rather than just one and then maybe one opening act?" Scarlet says with a little smile.

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