Chapter 36

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"We're the fook is the fookin passports!!!" Dom yells through the house.

"Junk drawer in the kitchen!!" A bunch of us yell.
"Oh yeah . . ." Dom says then chuckles.

I take my luggage downstairs then bring down the bags with each babies stuff since we are allowed one bag per baby. Anything that I couldn't fit into the bags for the babies I just shoved into my suitcase such as their clothes we didn't have room for and such.

"Where's my-"
"In your bag love" I say to Dom before he even asks because we've gone through the same routine many times at this point.

I start getting the babies ready to leave.

"What about c-"
"Check the fridge. I got us Starbucks this morning" I say to Dom.

He opens the fridge then looks at me while smiling.
"This is why I love you" he says then grabs his and brings me mine.
I look at him and chuckle.
"I love you too fool" I say and kiss him then go back to getting the twins situated.

Dom sets his coffee down then helps me.
We get the babies in their jackets and shoes then get them in the car seats. They start to fall back asleep so Dom and I finish getting ready.

I put on black crocs then grab sunglasses.
I quickly check the mail that's on the counter.
"Oh hey the babies and i's duel citizenship stuff came in." I say then grab them and put them in my carryon.

"Oh really? I didn't even know you applied for one for you guys." Dom says.
"Yes you did luv. You helped me fill out the paperwork" I say then chuckle.
"OHH. That's what that was for" he says then laughs.

I chuckle and shake my head as I zip up my bag.

"You ready to go?" I ask Don then look up at him.
"Yes. Lets go" he says then helps me carry some of the bags to the car. I bring the babies out and put them into the car then sit in the back seat with the babies while Dom gets the other bags.

Once we have everything ready we start heading to the airport. We park then get our bags situated then I wear baby carrier that allows me to carry both babies at the same time so that way I can carry the suitcases. Dom somehow manages to carry all of the carryons.

We go into the airport and go through everything needed. Once they call our flight we board the plane. We made sure our seats were all in the same row.
Once we get to our seats then hook up the seats for the babies to the plane seats then we carefully put the babies into their seats, making sure we don't wake them up since they're still asleep. Once their situated me and Dom get in our seats and situate ourselves.

After we actually get going Nyx wakes up and starts getting fussy. I pick her up and walk her up and down the isle a few times.
Another mom looks up and me and smiles.
"Have you tried a pacifier?" She asks.
"Not really. I didn't even think about that." I say and stand there bouncing her.
"First kiddo?" She asks.
"Kind of. My fiancé and I had twins almost a year ago. Their 7 months old now. I had them while on tour." I say.
"Ooo tour for what?" She asks.
"My fiancé is a music artist. I used to be a Doctor but I resigned about a month ago. But while on tour I was basically the medic so I was able to go with him. Then by the middle of it I was signed a record deal" I say and chuckle.
"Oh wow. So you're very busy." She says.
I nod and chuckle. "Yes very, but it's worth it. I get to love the life I've always dreamed" I say with a smile.
She smiles the gasps "you're the girl that was all over the internet not too long ago because of your father" she says.
I look at her confused. "What do you mean ma'am?"
"Your story was inspirational to my oldest daughter. Not just the stuff behind your father, but your music saved her. Your music made my baby girl feel less alone. She came out as transgender to me at a very young age. When the doctors explained it to me I was confused, then as she grew she tried to understand who she was but others didn't understand. She almost took her life a year ago, but then she heard your story from some friends and then did a little . . . Internet stalking?" She says then laughs before continuing to talk. "Then she listened to your music. Her and a few friends went to a show in la with you and your fiancé because you were opening for him. Is your fiancé on the plane?" She asks as she is now tearing up.

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