Chapter 18

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It's the day before Christmas Eve we have officially confirmed that I'm pregnant with twins so now we are finally finding out the gender.

We walk in and I lay down and set my feet where I'm told. They do the ultrasound then look at us.

"Would you like to know the genders now or put them in an envelope?"

I look at Dom.
"Envelope?" Dom asks.
I nod and look at the tech.
"Envelope please"

She nods and writes it down and puts it in an envelope.

She takes more pictures of the babies and then gives them to us. We book our next appointment then check out and head back to the Airbnb.

We sit down on the couch and cuddle while watching a movie.

"Should we open it tomorrow or on Christmas?" Dom asks me.

I look up at him.
"Maybe tomorrow night?" I say in response.

He nods and smiles.

We go back to cuddling and watching the movie. Then we see River and Jack burst through the door and start aggressively making out against the door.
"You're such a fucking tease." River says to Jack as he shoves his hand down Jacks pants.

My jaw drops and I look at Dom.
Dom leans over and whispers "is it bad I wanna watch them?" He says and chuckles.

I look at Dom trying not to laugh.
"You watch if you want, I'm gonna go into the bedroom and take a nap" I whisper to dom and chuckle as I get up and walk to the bedroom.


After Nicole went into the bedroom I just sat there watching them. I couldn't look away. I love Nikki, but I mean . . . Fuck that was hot the way they just bursted through the door with no fucks in the world.
As we know I'm poly, Nicole and I have talked about it before and she doesn't mind that I'm poly, she thinks it's a little hot.

I try to continue watching them out of the corner of my eye without making it obvious. Jack looked over Rivers head and I hear them faintly talking.

"River- Doms in the living room, he can see us" he says then moans like a submissive puppy.

"So? Don't want him to see how needy you are?" River says in response to Jack.
Jack goes to say something then cums all over River.

At that point I get up and go into the bedroom with Nicole and close the door.

Nicole POV

When dom comes in the room I looked up at him and he's all bricked up down there.
I sit up and look him up and down.
"Get a little excited watching River and Jack?" I say with a smirk.

"Yeah. Not gonna lie. The entire time all I thought about was fucking you" Dom says as he comes over to me. He puts his hand on the back of my head and pulls me close and starts kissing me. I kiss back as I start taking his jacket off.

"Fuck you're so hot" I say as we continue to rip each others clothes off.

"Come here so Daddy can please his princess" he says as he sits down and pulls me onto his lap.

He helps me get adjusted on his lap before he has me slide on.
We look deeply into each others eyes as we moan softly. He places his hands on my hips as I glide up and down.

We may have sex a lot, but when we have it. . . It's so different than anyone else I've ever slept with. With him it's easy, but good. With him it's more than just hormones coursing through my veins. It's romance, lust, love. Something that I never knew I needed until I met him. Every time I look at him it's like he seduces me with his glowing green eyes, and his stunning accent.

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