Chapter 43

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We're in the hotel grabbing our stuff to go to Klienfeild.

Dom, River, Adam, Tom, Avery, Jack, and Scarlett are going with me. Tessa was going to come but she decided to stay back and fly out later in the week, she she'll be here tomorrow for the hot topic stuff Saturday.

I FaceTime my mom while I'm getting my stuff around so I can see the babies.

"Hi little ones! Mama and daddy miss you so much" I say.
Nyx smiles and giggles "dada" then claps.

"Yes, mama and dada miss you" I say.
Dom comes into the frame and they both start babbling to him like he missed their entire lives.

"Alright while you do that I'm going to finish getting ready" I say to Dom then kiss his cheek.

He smiles and kisses my forehead then continues talking to the babies.

Once we're all ready we hang up from my mom and the babies then head to the shop. We're there by 1 and check in. We go over and sit down on a couch to wait. Some people come over and ask us questions then ask if they can hook us up to some mics, so of course I agreed.

By 2 my consultant as well as Randy himself come over and introduce themselves then bring us over to a couch.

"Alright so tell me a bit about you and your fiancé" my consultant asks me.

"Well Dom and I have been together for almost 2 years now. We met at a bar on a girls night out after my shift at the hospital I used to work at. He saw me by the bar and paid for my drink so after than might we became practically inseparable. I went on tour with him and while on that tour I gave birth to our twins Jaxton and Nyx. And on our 1 year he proposed to me on stage."

"Awe that's lovely, so I know Your fiancé is here with you, but introduce me to the rest of these people."

"Right, so with me I have my fiancé and his best friends Tom and Adam, Jack who is his drummer and my brother's boyfriend, then I have my brother River, My best friend Avery, and then my Drummer for my Band Scarlett." I say with a smile.

"Alright, and where do you plan on getting married?"

"We plan on getting married in the UK close to Doms home town." I say with a smile.

"Lovely. So I heard that this was kind of an emergency type of thing, can you tell me more about that?"

"Well I had a wedding dress, but my moms house recently burnt down and my dress was in her house. I was going to wait but I recently found out I am pregnant again so I wanted to do this asap. I know typically the groom isn't supposed to see the dress before the big day but with our luck I didn't want him to miss out on seeing me in my new dress for the big day incase anything happens to this one" I say.

"Awe, I'm so sorry. What are you looking for in a dress today and what's your budget?"

"Well, probably something form-fitting or fit and flare, sexy, and I'm open to an off the shoulder look too. My budget is around 10,000"I say.

"Alright lets pull some dresses and get to trying them on, okay?" The consultant says with a smile.

"Alright sounds good to me" I smile and stand up.

We look through and I select one dress then Avery and Scarlett pick one.

They have me sit in the dressing room in a robe. While I'm sitting there Randy comes in with the consultant carrying 4 total dresses.

"Hiiiii" Randy says with a huge smile as they hang the dresses up.

"So tell me your story, what brings you here? I heard you purchased a dress prior to this" he says.

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