Chapter 14

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I wake up in the hospital. I feel way better, but this time I mean it. I look around and I look at Dom.

"What happened?"

"You were drugged luv. Jordan drugged you. I'm sorry I let this happen to you. Once you feel better we can leave"

"No no no it's not your fault. I should have been more careful"

*he gets up and sits at the edge of the bed*

"No, lay next to me please" I move over so he has room. Then he lays next to me. I lay my head against his chest.
A doctor comes in the check on me once they find out I'm awake.

"Hello Nicole. How are you feeling?"

"Way better."

"That's good, I'm very glad. Do you know what happened?"

"Yeah I know what happened. My crazy ex stalked me then drugged me at the pub. I only had a few drinks but I didn't even feel real. I couldn't even sit up on my own Doc. As a doctor myself I should have known from the start of me not feeling well that he did something to my drink and I should have been more careful. We dyed my hair then after we finished rinsing my hair it was all a blur from there.

"I'm sorry. Would you like me to fill you in on the rest?"
I nod my head at him and sit up.
"Your boyfriend and friends all said that you started seizing after you lost consciousness. You don't have a concussion thanks to your brother for catching you. Your friend Avery got into your medic bag and gave you meds to help you then brought you here. We ran some tests and gave you some meds. You started seizing because you began to overdose. So she gave you Narcan and then some other things. Your friends all saved your life dear. "

I look at Avery, Dom, and River while smiling a little.

"Alright. Your discharge paperwork is almost done then you can leave. Take it easy for the next 24 hours. But it's to my understanding that you're on tour and you have a job, so make sure you keep yourself well as you're saving others lives at the concerts Dr.Owens"

I nod and smile. "Yes I will. Thank you"

"No problem" he says and leaves to finish the paperwork. "Holy shit you guys. Thank you so much"

"It's no problem sis. It's our job to keep you safe and well" River says with a smile.

A nurse comes in and helps me get ready to leave. Once I'm good to go the doctor comes in to talk to me one last time before I leave, but he talks to me in private. I sit back down on the edge of the bed while he stands in front of me.

"It's to my understanding that you've been prescribed medication for depression. Have you been taking it?"

"Um yeah I was. But then at the beginning of tour I ran out."

"Alright I figured that happened. I got some information from your friend Avery." He gives me a prescription bottle then gives me his phone number incase I have any questions or need help further on. I put him in my contacts then text him my number and then I leave the room. On my way out I see a patient in the waiting room that catches my eye. I walk over and talk to them because they're holding their abdomen.

"Hey, what's the problem ma'am?"

"Uhh this pain! This horrible pain! I've been throwing up a lot too. My husband thinks it's just the flu though."

"Do you mind if I feel your abdomen?"

"Please be my guest."

I feel around and then once I get to the area of the appendix she starts screaming in pain. I run back into the emergency room area and find the doctor that took care of me.

Dr.Indecisive (Ft.YUNGBLUD)Where stories live. Discover now