Chapter 39

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*Hours before album release*

All of us band members are in the kitchen waiting for the album to come out.

"Guys. 5 fucking minutes" River says in excitement.
"I know! I can't wait" Scarlett says with a smile.

We anxiously continue watching the clock.
5 minutes somehow manages to feel like a century.

"2 minutes" Tessa says.

"1 minute" I squeal.

This is by far the longest minute in history I swear.

As soon as the clock strikes midnight we all scream "IT'S OUT!!!" Then we race to play it over Bluetooth.
We all take out our phones and post a video do us all dancing around to the album. Then we post a picture we took during a sunset photo shoot to announce it's out.
Afterwords I Jump into Tessa's arms and kiss her. She holds me close as we squeal and sing along.

"Okay, I'm going to have victory sex with my boyfriend then go to bed." River says and laughs. As he is going up the stairs he yells "WOOOW IM HIGH AND HORNY" then laughs and goes into his room.

"I'm just drunk. I should probably go to bed soon. Ooo can you eat me out right now? Uhh Doms dick sounds sooo gooddd-"

"Nicole, let's go, I'm putting you to bed" Tessa says as she picks me up and carry's me up the stairs.

She lays me down and sets a trashcan next to my side of the bed.
"I'm going to go back downstairs for a little bit okay? Text me if you need me" she says then kisses my forehead.

"Okay mommy" I say with a little smirk.

She chuckles and leaves.
After she leaves I lay there for a little bit before I end up falling asleep.

River POV

I walk into the room and close the door. Jack is sitting on the bed half asleep because he was waiting for me.
I take off my shirt and pants then climb into bed next to him. He opens his eyes and snuggles me from behind. He leans forward and whispers in my ear "so how about that Victory Sex, huh?" Then he slips my underwear down.

I look back at him and smirk.
"I'll let you top me" I whisper back.
He smirks and flips me over so I'm facing him. He tangles our legs up so our ground are against each other then he starts kissing me. While we kiss we rub our groins against each other until we're both hard. When I'm fully hard he reaches down and rubs me very slowly. I moan softly into the kiss.

"Mmm" he hums into the kiss.
He reaches over me as we kiss and grabs the lube.
He applies it to me and then has me turn around again. He applies lube to himself then he goes in and starts thrusting.
"Mm. You feel so good baby" he says as he wraps his arm around me.
I nuzzle my body against him as he holds me close.
It goes from feeling like victory sex to feeling like romantic vanilla sex.

I bite my lip trying to figure out if I love it or hate it. I love Jack to death, But I have untamed demons. Love terrifies me. I know he isn't Luke. I remind myself this every single day, but it still scares me. It's like when you're a kid and you think there's monsters in your closet, only instead of monsters being in your closet they live in your brain.

I stay in my head for too long. I start to black out.
Next thing I know Jack has us both in sweatpants and shirts and he's holding me against his chest. I can't breath, my face feels hot, tears are all over my face.
I see Nicole bolt in and she has an inhaler in her hand.
"Here, open" she says as she shakes it.
I open my mouth gasping for air. She gives me two puffs and has me hold it in for a bit before I exhale.
"Another" I say still gasping and choking.

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