Chapter 34

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The next day I don't wake up until around 10am.
I wake up and I feel an awful pain on my left nipple. I look and I see that I have a clogged milk duct.

I text grab my phone and text Dom.

Me: Are you home?
Dom: yes luv, why?
Me: I need someone to come suck my nipple. I have another clocked milk duct
Dom: okay, I'll come up shortly 😂

While I wait I scroll through social media and check my text messages. Then when I hear Dom coming I take my phone out and start recording the door.

Dom walks in with Starbucks for me in his hand.
"Good morning luv. I got you a coldbrew to wake you up and-" he pauses and look at me recording. He smiles like a little nerd and I chuckle and stop recording.

"Thank you babe" I say.
"No problem" he says as he hands the drink and a slice of some sort of cake loaf.

"Okay here lean back a bit" he says.
I lean back against the pillows and headboard. He straddles me loosely and then lifts up my shirt.
"Which one?" He asks.
"Left one" I say.
"Alright" he says.
"I'm gonna feel so fookin weird cause I'm basically breastfeeding from my fiancé" he says and laughs.

"Trust me I feel just as weird but I'm not going to try any other methods cause they never work, so get to suckin" I say and laugh.

He laughs and starts sucking. He has to suck for only about a minute before it unclogs.
He takes his mouth off and wipes it then puts my shirt down.

I look up at him as he stands up so he just has his knees bent and I admire his body. Yeah he's wearing a baggy shirt and shorts but it's still hot as fuck. He runs his fingers through his hair then gets off.

"Alright, once you wake up for the day we are going to go back to the house and grab the rest of the things then take one final sweep of it okay?" He says.

"Okay, thank you" I say with a smile as I sip my coffee.

I sit there for a few minutes eating and drinking then get up and go into the closet and decide what to wear today. I settle on shorts and a t-shirt then I put a belt on and some converse. Then I quickly do my hair and a little makeup then go downstairs.

"Goood morning baby in Beverly Hills!!!" I yell and laugh.

"Good morning" the others periodically say.
"Ready to go finish up packing and leave the home for good?" Adam asks.
We all nod and head to cars.

When we get there there's paparazzi outside so we ignore them and go inside.

For about an two hours we get the rest of the stuff into cars and uhauls then we close everything up.

I grab my camera out and start filming.
"Final sweep of the house. Lets go" I say.
We all walk in together and slowly walk through. Throughout the final walk threw we talk about memories that each of us have here.
"This is crazy" I say and take a deep breath.

"Last time stepping foot in this house. It's crazy. This was one of my first massive purchases in LA" Dom says as he looks around.

"This was Nyx and Jaxtons first home" I say and sigh.
"This was the first place we brought all three babies home to" Avery says.

"All the nights we spent drunk singing and dancing" Adam says and chuckles.

"All the songs we've written through this house"Dom says.

At the end of the walk through we all enter the garage and look around.
"This is where Never Reach The Sky was officially born" River says and puts his hand on the mural we had painted on the wall.
The other three of us in the band go over and put our hands on it too. We all look at each other and start tearing up.
Tom takes a few pictures and videos of us standing there crying.
"We reached the Sky" Tessa says.
"Yes, yes we did" I say and nod.

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