Chapter 47

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I'm standing in the airport waiting for everyone to get off the plane.
Aubrey is at home still asleep because of how early it is. I'm nervous for everyone to meet her, I'm scared Avery will be mad at me, I'm scared of so many things.

I check my phone and see that Aubrey texted me.
"I got my period, so I went into the guest bath and situated everything, going back to bed now. Love you mama 💜". I look at the text and smile.
I reply with "okay kiddo, be home in about an hour or so, sleep well 💜" then put my phone back in my pocket.

I look up and see Dom.
I smile wide and run up to him and wrap myself around him.
He laugh and lets go of his suitcase and holds me up.

"Ello love. Someone missed me yeah?" He says and laughs.

I not and laugh then kiss him. He kisses me back then lets me go.

"Lets go home, I need a fat nap" Avery says and chuckles.

"Alright, just try to be quiet for a little longer cause all the kids are still sleeping" I let them know and start walking.

"Damn, mom of 4 in her late twenty's. That's hot" Dom says and snickers.

"Oh hush" I say and chuckle.

I help everyone get into the car then drive home.

When we get home everyone dead ass just gets something to snack on then goes to their rooms to take a nap.

Me and Dom sit in our room cuddling while watching a show.

While we're sitting there Aubrey knocks on the door.
"Come in" I say.
She comes in and closes the door behind her. She comes over and sits next to me.
"Good morning hun" I say.

"Good morning" she says. I wrap my arm around her and she's shaking.

"What's wrong hun?" I ask her and look at her.
She looks up at me as tears fill her eyes.
"Awe Hunny".
I have her sit on my lap and I hold her tightly.
"Why did he hurt me" she says faintly.

I take a quiet deep breath so I don't cry.
"He hurt you because he was a sick man. He was an awful, awful person. There's some people that don't care how it effects the person they're going to hurt, they only care themselves and what they want." I explain.
"But why did grandpa touch you growing up?" She asks faintly.

I dig my teeth into my bottom lip. Dom sits up and looks at us, and I faintly see tears running down his face out of the corner of my eye.

"He- he started doing it as a punishment. But that was never true, he did it to me simply because he was a a child predator" I say then take another quiet deep breath.

She flips her head and looks at Dom.
"Promise you won't tell my secret?" She asks him.

"I promise" he says softly and sniffles. He holds her hand with his and faintly squeezes it.

"Did my grandpa ever hurt you?" She asks him.
"No, but when I was little, a Doctor hurt me. I didn't tell anyone for years. But the song I'm coming out with next, I'm opening up about it. It's hard at first, but when you talk about it . . . It gets easier." He tells her.
I reach over and squeeze Doms hand with mine.
He looks at me and squeezes my hand back.

"I feel a little better knowing I'm not alone" she tells us.
"You're never alone" Dom says to her.

She smiles and wipes her eyes.

Dom and I each wipe our eyes and smile at each other.
"Wanna watch this movie with us?" I ask her.
"Sure" she says and sits back down next to me.
We pull the covers over us. I lean my head against Doms shoulder as we watch the movie.

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