Chapter 28

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It's been about a week since your ended. Me, River, and Scarlet have been practicing in the garage for a few days but our music is missing something.

*1 new message notification*

I check my phone. It's from Tess.

Tess:Hey Whatcha doing?
Me: Practicing with my band. But we are having trouble figuring out what's missing.
Tess:What do you have instrument wise?
Me: Guitar and percussion
Tess: I have a keyboard? If you want I can come over and help you guys out a bit?
Me: Okay, yeah, I think that would be cool. I'll text you the address!
Tess:okay! See you in like 30 minutes?
Me: See ya!
I send her the location then put my phone down.

"Hey Tess is going to come over. She's bringing her keyboard with her. Is that cool?" I say to them.

"Yeah it's okay with us. As long as you don't make out the whole time" River says and snickers.

"Heyy I won't make out with her. She's just coming to help us work on the music a bit. That's all" I say.

"Sooo do you like her?" River asks.

"I don't know. I'm experimenting. I've talked to her about it the other day. She's okay with what we having going on, whatever it may be" I say then smile a little.

"Ooo someone's got a girl crush" Scarlet says and laughs.

"Okay okay, whatever you guys say, let's work on some song writing" I say and laugh.

I open the garage door so Tess sees us when she gets here.
When she gets here she walks in with her stuff.

"Hey!" She says with a smile on her face.
I look up at her and smile. "Hey!"
I stand up.
"Oh, this is River and Scarlett. River is the guitarist, and Scarlett is the percussionist" I smile and chuckle.

"Hi! I'm Tess." She says and waves.
"Oh we've heard plenty about you" River says and chuckles.
"Shut up" I say and playfully punch him in the shoulder and chuckle.

"Here I'll help you hook stuff up" I bring her over where the instruments and stuff are set up and help her hook everything up.

After we finish plugging her stuff in Dom comes out with the Twins.
"The twins wanna come say hi" he says and chuckles.

I stand up and Walk over to them.
"Hello!" I say to them and chuckle.
I take Nyx out of his arms and hold her.

"Oh Tess, this is Dom. And Dom this is Tess. She's going to help us figure some stuff out with the instrumentals for the songs."

The wave and say hi to each other.

"So who are these cute little babies" she says and walks over.
"This little girl here is Nyx and then Dom is holding Jaxton" I say and smile again.

"Awe! They're so cute. And those names are so punk Rock" she says and smiles.

"Yes very. Jaxton here loves being onstage already" Dom says and smiles. "Don't ya bud?" He says to Jaxton. Jaxton smiles and claps his hands then starts holding up his middle finger again.

I laugh. "He gets that from you" I say to Dom.

"He's telling the homophobes to fuck off" he says and laughs.

Nyx looks at Tess and points to her.
"What baby girl?" I say to Nyx.
I walk over to Tess and Nyx reaches her arms out to her.
"Do you wanna hold her?" I ask Tess.

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