Chapter 24

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We are going back on tour now. Since we have the babies now this will be fun. We get on the bus and the babies start crying because they're hungry. I haven't smoked for about an hour so I'm good to feed them. Dom tells me to go into our bedroom to feed them and he'll finish loading stuff. So I go into the bedroom and lay one on a pillow while I nurse the first one. Once that one is finished I start nursing the second one.
As I start nursing Nyx, Dom comes in and sets the baby bassinet next to the bed.

"Did you Feed Jax yet?"

"Yep. I fed him first. Can you change his diaper for me when you get a chance love?"

"Yes I can. I just have to go get a few more things then I can change him" he says and smiles at me.

"Okay thank you" I say with a smile. He kisses me then goes to get the last little bit of things.

I smile wide as he leaves. He's a busy man I'll admit for him, but he manages to make time for the babies, and for me. He always manages to make time for me.

Avery comes up and sits next to me and starts nursing Astrid.
"This kid always wants to fucking eat I swear. I try a pacifier but she doesn't like it because there is nothing coming out of it. I may have to switch to bottle feeding and put rice cereal in it to fill her more. At least I don't have to worry about her not eating enough." She says and starts nursing Astrid.

"The babies have a schedule for when they eat and they tend to stick to it." I say and Nyx takes a big ol huff of milk from my boob. I gasp. "Jesus fuck Nyx. Take your time lovey" I rub the back of her head and chuckle.

"She is so attached to you it's funny. Both figuratively and literally." Avery laughs.

"Yeah. Jax wants me sometimes but if he doesn't need me for anything he tends to want his daddy. Nyx occasionally wants her dad but wants me more, but she will settle for her dad sometimes."

"Astrid is a hit or miss. Sometimes she wants me, other times her dad." Avery says.

"I thought I was going to dread having twins at first, but now that I actually have them, I'm glad I had twins. They're both so different already. I can't wait to see who they grow up to be" I say with a smile. Nyx unlatches from my boob and burps then lays her head on me. I put my boob away and hold her because I know she'll cry if I put her down. Dom comes in and takes Jax to the side of the bed and changes him. The entire time Jax is very chill which makes me slightly jealous because he cries when I change him.

After Dom changes him he picks him up and starts singing the song we wrote about the babies. Jax lays against Doms chest as Dom sings. Nyx lifts her head up slightly and looks at Dom.

I try he hand her off to him and she doesn't cry so he takes her and holds both babies as he sings. I just sit there smiling.

Adam comes up and spends a little time with Avery and Astrid and then we all go to hangout with everyone else.

We sit in the sitting area all hanging out until we hit a rest stop. We go inside and I carry both babies with me. We get snacks and drinks and I get a pack of cigarettes because I'm almost out.

I had River and Jack watch the twins so me and Dom can quickly smoke. Once we are all finished here we all load back up onto the bus and continue our little adventure.

Around 1 we make it to the venue for the night.
"Guys, tonight we have babies with us."
I look at Dom and gasp. "Can we please dress the babies all emo tonight?!" I say and squeal.
"Yes of course we can." He says with a smile.
"They can both wear skirts!" I say with an even bigger smile.

I grab the diaper bag and the carriers for the twins then we head inside to the dressing room. I quickly change into my show outfit then I put the baby carrier on and carry Nyx around while she naps so I can run through soundcheck and it'll be easier to get ready closer to show. Once me and Dom run through soundcheck we decide to take the babies out with us to see some fans.

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