Chapter 41

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TW: Miscarriage talk and scene in this chapter!!!

I look at Dom and start tearing up.
"What are we gonna do?" I say.
He pulls me in for a tight hug and rubs my back.
"It's okay. We'll figure something out. Yes, it's not ideal timing. But it's okay." He says.

"We have two kids already that aren't even 1 year old yet." I say then grip onto him.

"It's alright. Things happen. We've got this" he says.

Tessa walks in and looks at us. "Oh no. This doesn't look good" she says.

I start laughing and they look at me funny. I let go and continue laughing. "This is amazing. This is my luck. I'm gonna be pregnant on tour all over again" I say then continue laughing.

Dom looks at me and chuckles. "Glad you're laughing I guess?" He says. Then chuckles again.

"Ahhh I can't drink anymore!" I yell in agony.

They both laugh at me.
"Lets go downstairs and hangout with the babies again. Okay?" Dom suggests. I nod and we go downstairs.

We sit down and I play with the babies and then all of a sudden Avery comes running downstairs. She stands in front of me holding my pregnancy tests in her hand.
"Ma'am. You have some explaining to do." She says to me.

I look up at her and give her an 'oh fuck' look.

"I went to grab a lipstick from your makeup drawer and I saw these. Why are they positive? Do you enjoy being pregnant on tour? Did you think this through when you-" I cut her off.

"I've been drinking. I don't even know if it'll make it past the first trimester." I state.

"Nicole, that's no way to think." She says. Tessa sits down and Avery sits next to me.

"This wasn't the plan. If we want to have another kid that was a decision to make later down the road, not when we are about to go ON the road" I say then sigh.

"Life works out in crazy ways. If you wouldn't have gone to the bar with me that night then your life would still consist of you being at the hospital all the time. Yes a pregnancy right now isn't ideal, but clearly the universe thinks you're ready" she says then hugs me. I hug her back and lay my head on her shoulder.
"We'll figure it out, we always do" She says.

That's her signature line. Her phrase that always reassures me that everything will be okay. I sit there for a few minutes then inspiration strikes.

I stand up and go over to the bottom of the stairs and yell "Never Reach the sky! Studio! Now!" Then I grab my song books and the key for the building then go outside.

After about 20 minutes we're all there. After we're all there we start conspiring lyric ideas for the song idea that popped into my head. After about an hour we have the song written.

"While we're in here wanna record a song?" Tessa asks.

"Sure. How about one of our songs about sex?" River asks.

I choke on my water that I was drinking and spit it out all over the floor. The others look at me and laugh.
"Cute sis. Real cute" River says and laughs again.

"ANYWAYYSSSSS I'm down to record a song about sex." Scarlett says.

"Alright, let's hop in the booth then. Nicole, you're first. Pick what song and let me know so I can pull up the track"Tess says as she spins around in her chair to face the sound booth controls.

We agree on a song and I go into the booth. I record my vocals and then Scarlet does, after him it's Scarlett, and then finally Tessa. After we record we take like 45 minutes making changes and then save the audio file. Once we're done we clean up and head back up to the house.

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