Chapter 23

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It's been about 3 days with the babies. Nights are a little rough but then Dom takes care of the babies while I nap. After I nap I feed the babies then smoke a cigarette since they typically don't need to be breastfed again for another hour or two after that so it's safe for me.

I decide to get myself ready for once after my nap. So I shower for the first time since I got home. Then I get dressed and then put on some simple makeup. Then I go into the kitchen and make myself something to eat. As I'm cooking Dom comes in.

"Nyx wants her mama." He says as he brings her in.

"Okay can you bring me the babies carrier?" I ask him. He nods and grabs it then helps me put it on. Then he helps me put Nyx in it. Nyx immediately lays her head against me while I continue cooking. Once I finish cooking I put it on a plate and start eating. She ends up falling asleep in the carrier. Once I finish eating I walk into the the living room and smile.

"Look who fell asleep" I say and chuckle.

Dom gets up and looks at her and smiles.
"Jax fell asleep in Rivers arms" he says and points over to River sitting on the couch.

"He looks so much like Dom it's crazy" he says.
"He looks a lot like me, but Nyx looks a lot like her mama only with my eyes" dom says.

"Astrid is a spitting image of Avery though." I say and look at Avery holding Astrid.

"I know. It's fucking insane" Avery says and laughs.

I take a little video of Nyx and then film the camera and Zoom into River holding Jax and I post it on my snap and instagram stories.

I go into the post I posted a few days ago and read the comments while smiling wide. I reply to a few then reply to Dms. I reply to some then put my phone away.

"Lets go for a walk. I'll wear the other carrier and carry Jaxton" he says with a smile.

"Okay. Lets get them ready then" I say.

We get both of the babies and bring them into the bedroom. We get them into clothes that are comfy and won't make them too hot or too cold. Then we get ourselves ready while the babies lay on their backs looking at each other.

My little family of 4. That's crazy to say.

We get ready then get the babies prepared for the walk. We pack the diaper bag and I put it on my back after I have Nyx back on.

We get ready and go for the walk. We just walk for few blocks and then we go into a baby store and get a few things we need then go back to the Airbnb. On our way back paparazzi shows up so we cover the babies faces as we walk because we know they'll try to get pictures of the babies.
"They don't need to be in the spotlight too much when they're so young. Paparazzi doesn't need pictures of them" I say to Dom and he agrees. Finally we get back into the Airbnb and we take the babies out of the carriers. We change their diapers and lay them down for their nap. While they're napping we go into the living room and sit on the couch.

"We should write a song about them" I say to Dom.

He nods and smiles wide. "Yeah we definitely could. Do you have an idea for it?" He asks.

I nod and take my phone out and show him the song I started writing.  Together we finish it and then dom grabs his acoustic guitar and we start working more on the melody. After about an hour and a half the babies wake up from their nap so we go and get them.

"Looks like you two have a good nap" I say in a mom-talking-to-a-baby type of voice and pick them both up.
Dom takes Jax and we lay them down and change their diapers again then we sit down in the bed and put on a show to watch while we sit there snuggling with our little babies.

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