Chapter 11

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We make it to the tour bus and get settled. We sit in the sitting area of the bus as it starts moving.
"I'm so fucking excited!" Dom yells.
"Same honestly. I'm excited to learn what it's like. Wait, can I like. . . Vlog it? You know, for Avery and River? So they can see all the stuff we do? So they can kinda feel like they're here with us?"

"That's a really good idea. What if we made a YouTube channel for you and posted it there? And if you get into music more then you can post your stuff there too?"
"Ooo. Okay. Maybe we can stop at a store and I can pick up a camera and SD card? We'll probably have to get some other stuff anyways"

"Yeah we can. Adam can you let the driver know?"
He nods and gets up.

"This is going to be so much fun. But when I film, I'm not only going to film the fun and cool stuff. I wanna film the sad stuff too, the downsides to touring, the downsides of being a doctor, surgeon, and I guess a possibly up coming music artist."

"I love that idea. That's the stuff that people wanna see. Especially my fan base, the yungblud community loves honesty and that's something you could for sure bring to them, as well as showing Avery and River."

"Yes. What would I call it though? I don't wanna call it tour diaries because that's your thing. "

"What if you called it . . . The Reality of being backstage?"

"Hmm maybe? I don't know. "

We sit there and ponder on it for a few minutes.

"I've got it!" I yelled and stood up. "Truths of Tour?"

"Fuck yeah! " Dom yelled back. "Lets text management and give them our idea"

Dom grabbed his phone and quickly called his manager and gave him the idea. He loved it and told us to go for it. I said I would edit the videos and post them myself. His manager said that if I did the editing then it would make the vlogs mean even more too.

We finished the call then continued shooting out ideas. I check my email and start reading it.

"Dom, your label emailed me. The said they're willing to sign me if I'm up for it. They like how well I worked with you and there's certain things about me that stood out to them."

"Accept it! They'll work with you and your schedule. They know you're a doctor, but they also see your potential in an even bigger career too. You've got this"

I nod and smile as I respond. I take a screenshot of the email and text it to Avery and River then set my phone back down.

After about another hour and a half we stop at a store and get food and snacks. I got a camera I could use and a few SD cards. I go back to the bus after we check out and set it up. Then I have Tom hold it for me and I back up.

"Am I good?"

"Yep. You're good, we're rolling"

"Okay." I take a deep breath. "Hi, I'm Nicole, or Nic, or Dr.Owens, or Nikki, whatever you know me by or wanna call me. I got the idea to film this for my family back home, Hi Avery, Hi River. But when I brought up the idea, Dom said I should post these on YouTube for you BHC members to enjoy too. Welcome to the Truths of Tour."

"That it?"

"Yeah." I smile and nod. He stops the recording as he pans it to his feet. We watch it back to make sure it's good.


We sit back down and just hang out for the rest of it. We drink a little and then stay up basically all night until we get to the first show venue the next day. We go inside and check it out.

Dr.Indecisive (Ft.YUNGBLUD)Where stories live. Discover now