Chapter 25

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It's a Sunday morning. Me and Dom are in a studio to record some stuff. I'm very excited to start working on more of my music.

We spend hours upon hours in the studio, recording song after song, lyric after lyric.

We finish up and head back to the bus. The babies are officially 2 months old now. They've started lifting their heads up a little more and they should be starting to giggle and laugh soon! And I can't wait!

"Oh my god finally! Nyx and Jax won't stop crying because they are hungry and they refuse to take bottles anymore" River brings the babies over to me and puts one in my arms and hands Dom the other.

"Gee River the studio session was amazing, we got so much done thanks for asking." I roll my eyes and laugh then go to our bedroom to feed them.

I feed them then burp them. Then I wait about 10 minutes and then bingo! Time to change diapers. Dom helps me change them then we go back out to the sitting area. We lay a blanket down and then we start tummy time.

Shortly after we start River and i's phones both start going off. It's a group call request on messaged from my mother. I deny it and River ends it and calls her regular number instead. He goes into mine and doms room and then comes back out about a minute later.
"Hey Nicole, you need to hear this too mom said"

I get up and go into the bedroom with him. He puts her on speaker.

"Your dad was murdered in prison. And I have cancer" she says then hangs up.

Me and River look at each other like "what the Fuck".

We go back into the living room and I sit down next to Dom.
"What was it about love?" He asks me.

"My dad died in prison and I guess my mom has cancer." I take a deep breath.

He looks and me and frowns. "I'm sorry love"

"Oh it's fine. It's karma." I say. Jaxton lifts his head and looks at us and laughs.

"Oh my god Dom he just laughed!" I say and smile wide.
Dom picks him up. "What's so funny huh?" He says and chuckles.
Jax screams slightly and laughs at himself.
I smile wide. I grab my camera and start recording Dom making faces and saying things to make Jaxton laugh.

Nyx looks at River and starts crying. I pick her up and she grips onto me.
I chuckle. "Hey, It's just River love, why did you cry?" I chuckle and bounce her slightly. She stares at me with a shocked face and then looks at my hair. She grabs it and smiles wide then starts screaming joyfully.

I look at her and laugh. "What is up with her and colorful hair?" I say to Dom and laugh again.

"She may end up being the first out of the twins to dye her hair" He says and chuckles.

"Oh for sure" I say and laugh.

Nyx let's go of my hair and looks down at my boobs. She then rips down my shirt and latches on.
I gasp and look at her then laugh.

"Sorry guys, didn't mean to flash you" I laugh.

"It's okay, a babies gotta eat, right?" Tom says and chuckles.

"I was recording you when it happened!!!!" Dom says and laughs hysterically. He laughs so hard he falls onto the floor laughing.

He sends me the video and then sends it to Tom so he can edit a blur over my nipple when it shows.

"I give you full permission to post that on your social media stories as long as my nipple is covered" I say and laugh.

He shows me it once my nipple is blurred and I laugh at it. Then he posts it on his Instagram story and captions it "Nyx wanted that 🥛" .

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