Chapter 22

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It's been about 3 months since Tour started back up. I'm now 34 weeks pregnant.

My bump is now HUGE. I have weekly ultrasounds now since I'm so close to giving birth and since I have twins my pregnancy is a little riskier. Avery is now going to give birth any day now basically.

We flew home last weekend so me and Avery could pack and move stuff to Dom and Adams house then we flew back to join them the rest of tour.

Today is just a chill day. We have the next 3 weeks completely free We're all getting hotel rooms and sleeping in hotel tonight because we definitely need it. And then for the next few weeks we will most likely being staying in an Airbnb or something. But right now we are on the bus just hanging out. Right now I'm sitting in bed because I've been having awful contractions on and off and it hurts like hell. So me and Avery are sitting together in agony.

"It's only 10am and I already need a nap" Avery says.
"Me too sister" I say and chuckle.

"How far apart are your contractions?" Avery asks.
I shrug my shoulders. "Why?"
"You need to time them. You have two babies in there, you could possibly need an emergency c-section Nicole. You know the risks being pregnant with twins.
"I know I know. But if I ignore them then maybe I won't go into labor anytime soon" I say.
"That's not how it works. Are they consistent?"
"I don't know. Anywhere between 10-20 minutes apart. But they only started a little bit ago. I should be okay" I say to her.
She takes a deep breath and nods. "Okay. Just please start timing them if they get more consistent."

"Okay okay I will" I say and chuckle. We decide to start watching the show new girl. We basically sit there watching for hours. My contractions stop for a bit then they come back even stronger than before.
I go into the kitchen area to get something to eat or drink in hopes that will help. I lean against the counter in pain as I take out my phone and start timing them.
Dom comes over and rubs my back.
"Contractions worse luv?"
I nod and breath through my teeth.
I tap on my phone to end a contraction. I make a salad to eat and it only takes me about 5 minutes and then another one starts. I press to start timing another one on my phone then try to eat. I continue this little routine until Avery comes in like 30 minutes later. She looks at my phone then looks at me.
"Girl. They've been 5 minutes apart for the past 30 minutes. You need to go to the hospital" Avery says to me.
I shake my head. "I'm fine!" I yell as another one starts.
Avery doesn't listen and within the matter of 20 minutes I'm walking into a hospital. They immediately bring me in and check. As they are checking to see how dilated I am my water breaks.
"Oh fuck" Dom says.
"Baby day huh?" I ask the doctor.
He nods. "We are going to bring you up for an emergency c-section. Okay?" I start tearing up as I nod. Dom grabs my hand and I hold his hand tightly.
"You'll be there right?" I say to him.
"Of course I will luv. Jaxton and Nyx wanna make their appearance and I wouldn't miss that for the world." He says with a smile as he kisses my forehead.

The doctor leaves and someone comes back to get us prepared and ready. The bring us up and start getting us ready to start. They cut and start the process. After about 20 minutes I hear a baby cry.
"Baby boy!" A nurse says as they bring him over to me and hold him against my chest. Me and dom start tearing up.
"Jaxton Reeves. Look at our little boy" he says and chuckles, then sniffles.
They take him off my chest and bring him over to clean him off and cut the cord.
"Dad, wanna cut the umbilical cord?" They ask. He smiles wide and nods. He goes over to do that then comes back over to continue holding my hand.
After another 10 minutes they bring out baby girl. They do the same thing they did with Jaxton then start stitching me up.

Once they're done they bring me up to a room and I start breast feeding them for the first time. I look at Dom as tears fill my eyes. Once I'm done feeding them I hold Jaxton while Dom holds Nyx.

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