Chapter 46

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The next morning around noon Aubrey is still fast asleep. Me and Ryan are downstairs talking about the custody situation with Aubrey, now that I'll be able to take her more.

"Do you want just weekends? Or do you want to split it by weeks? Or are you ready for full custody?"He asks me.

"Well I was thinking, what if we left it up to her? Ryan. . . Last night she gripped onto me. It was like she got her first period all over again just a million times worse. She's held that in for god knows how long. She finally was able to tell me last night because I was actually there for more than a few hours. As much as I would love to just say fuck it and rip her out of your custody I can't do that. I can't forgive myself for being a shitty mom. It's up to her if she's willing to forgive me." I explain to him.

"I get that. But Nic you have to remember, everytime she cried because she wanted her mom, you came. You would lay with her all night to get her back to sleep for me. You would pay for anything she needed, buy groceries for us whenever I was low, helped me anytime you could, no matter the time of day. You have always been raising her, I was just the full time nanny and helped you when you were afraid of her getting hurt. You raised her just as much as I did. She'll want to live with you, trust me." He says to me.

"What about schooling? Ryan I'm going on tour soon. And I've been helping Dom try to find a bassist for tour because the girl from last year is touring with someone else. And I don't wanna leave her here with my mom the entire time. I could be gone for over a year" I tell him.

"She's been having a rough time in public school. The doctors said she has adhd but we refuse to medicate her. She gets picked on, she is constantly getting in trouble just because she's not perfect like the other kids, what if we homeschool her?" He says.

"Okay, yeah. We can talk to her when she wakes up." I say.

"I wanna be homeschooled. I hate my school. They're mean to me" I hear Aubrey say.

I turn around and see her standing at the bottom of the stairs in her pjs still.

"Okay hun.We'll start looking into it" Ryan tells her.

"Are you hungry? Dad brought you breakfast?" I ask her.

She nods and sits at the counter.
Ryan gives her a bag with a bagel and hash browns in it and a refresher.

"So mom and I have been talking. And now that you're old enough, we think now is the time where you can decide who you want to live with. You don't have to decide right now, but it is completely up to you" Ryan says to her.

"Wait, so I can finally live with mom? I promise I'll go to your house on the weekend. But mom is friends with David Dobrik dad" she says with a little sad at the end as she sips her drink.

Ryan and I laugh. "Okay I guess that was an easy decision. We'll start working on everything then. But you know, that means you might end up needing to travel a lot here soon with mom when she goes on tour" he tells her.

"Wait- you're going on tour? And I'll get to go?" She asks.

I nod and chuckle. "Yes, but it's a secret okay?"
She nods and smiles. "Okay"

"I ordered some stuff off Amazon for her Room yesterday so a few things will be here today and the rest tomorrow. When the band and then get back here Scarlett, Tom, and Tessa are going to be moving out so she'll have her own room. The guest bedroom is pretty big so if she wants that she can have it. Plus it's close to mine and Doms room." I tell him.

"Alright. You'll have to take her to school next week until we figure out what exactly we wanna do for homeschooling."he tells me.

"Alright I can do that. We'll stop by your house Sunday. Tomorrow morning I have to be up super early because I have to go to the airport and pick up everyone. Our band manager isn't very happy about the fact that only 3 out of the 5 band members will be there but I don't care. My daughter wanted to see me, and I missed my daughter. She's more important than a hot topic meet and greet." I say as I grab chips and ice cream and start dipping it.

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