Chapter 37

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We've been here for about a week now. Dom has had a rough few days mentally. So we've taken it easy the past few days just enjoying time just us 4. The babies have really enjoyed the time as well. They've been so good, and very happy.
We get ready then put the babies in their stroller and leave to go for a walk. We walk down the street and the babies are already loving it. They look around and smile like crazy. As we are walking the kids I've seen playing outside everyday we've been here wave and smile so we walk over with the babies.

"Hi Dom!!!" One of the little girls says.
"Ello Mercedes. How've you little lads been?" Dom says with a smile.
"We're good Dom. Who are these people you have with you?" She asks him in her adorable British accent.
"This is my fiancé Nikki and our kiddos Nyx and Jaxton." He says with a smile.
"Can they play wiff us?" The girls brother asks.
Dom chuckles. "Unfortunately they're a little too young for that right now. But when they're older they can play wiff you guys how bout that?"

"Okay Dom! See you later!" The girls says excitingly then steals the kickball from her brothers hands and runs away.
Dom and I smile and chuckle then continue our walk.
We continue walking around a few blocks.
"It's so beautiful here" I say and smile.
"I know right? It's so homelike and that's why I love it so much. I'm happy I can share it with you finally" he says and smiles.

"I hope our kids develop slight British accents from being here. Is that crazy?" I ask and laugh.
"No, not at all. I think it would be adorable" he says then chuckles.

"I love our chaotic life" he says and chuckles.
"Me too. It's crazy, all over the place, and very impulsive" I say and laugh.

"How about we have my parents or on of my sisters take the kids for the night and we go out tonight?" Dom asks.

I look at him and smile wide. "I would love that" I say to him.
"Good" he says then kisses my cheek.

We continue our walk for another like 20 minutes then head home. When we get home we get the kids ready then Doms parents come and pick them up for the night.
"Fanks again mum and dad" Dom says as he kisses each baby on their forehead.
"No problem Dom. You two can have some alone time and the babies get grandparent time" she says and smiles.

"Okay, I give everyone the same rundown when they take the babies everytime. Inside each bag is everything they'll need plus extra. They also each have a notebook with their schedules and any other information you may need. And please don't forget to give Nyx her antibiotics because she's almost done with them" I say to Samantha.

"No problem. We'll take very good care of your babies" she says.

Dom brings the babies to the car and helps his mom while I get in the shower. A nice warm shower always helps me reset my brain and calm down before I get wild again.
After I get out of the shower I blue dry my hair and facetime River so he can tell me how to do my hair. After I do my hair I do my makeup while on the phone with him.

"So what do you think we should do to promote Scarlett's song before the album drop and Tess's music video?" He asks me.

"I don't know. It's still just the beginning of our band so we could either do something crazy to promote it or we could keep it laid back. It depends on what road we wanna take to make our band truly ours." I say back as I put on concealer.

"I think my favorite part about Scarlett's song is your rap verse honestly. Her asking you to do that and then you actually doing it was just sick as fook" I say with a slight accent at the end unintentionally.

"Yes. I can't wait to preform it honestly. I wish we could see people raw reaction" he says.

I look at my phone and gasp.
"Let's do something where we have a live listening party! We could find a place and have a free type thing. Like. . . A free gig?" I say with a smile.

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