Chapter 21

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We've been on the tour buss all day. I missed the bus but at the same time I didn't. I missed the people, the crowds, the adventure, the thrill. But this time I'm a different person. I have Nyx and Jaxton coming this year, I have a boy that means the world to me, I have a whole other career to adventure into, I have an actual family now, something I never thought I would be able to have.

River is now able to be himself, that's something he wasn't able to do until Dom and Jack came into his life. I mean yeah he always had me and Avery, but now our parents are officially out of the picture it's like . . . Everything is all better now.

"Is being on stage scary?" River asks us all.

"It's scary at first, but then once it settles in that you're actually there and people enjoy what you do it's like. . . The fear disappears" Adam says.

"The first time is always the most stressful. But one show after another it gets wayyyy easier, and even more thrilling" Jack says and rubs Rivers back.

"For me, the first time I felt . . . Like I was gonna die, figuratively. But Dom made it easier for me. And since you'll be on there with me then I'll carry it on and do the same for you." I say to him and smile wide.

River takes a deep breath.
"Alright, we've got this." He says and smiles.

"Yes we do." I say to him and continue smiling.

My brother and I have been through a lot, especially together. We rarely fight because growing up it's all we saw. We held each other when one was down, we fought FOR each other when one was being hurt or in trouble. We stood up for each other. I had his back both in school and at home once word got out that he was gay. He was the only person I told about dad assaulting me until I met Avery and she asked why I never went home over breaks. River and I, we were all each other had for the longest time.

Over the past month we searched far and wide to find a drummer for my band. Eventually we found a girl names Scarlett. She stuck out to me out of everyone we looked at. She played for a ton of different people so almost right after I found her I messaged her and next thing I knew she asked for the music so she could practice and said she would join us on tour, she is meeting us at our first stop in the US.
The one major reason why she stuck out to me is because she looked familiar. And I still can't figure out why, but hopefully I can figure it out when we meet up in person.

Me and Adam decide to help River go over all the cords and start learning them. We basically help him for hours upon hours until he finally gets them all down by memory.

Time flies awfully fast until before we know it, it's almost midnight. I set my phone up and go live on Instagram.

"Hey guys! I decided to jump on here becaussseeeee . . . My EP comes out in a few minutes!" I squeal.

"And I absolutely can NOT wait for you guys to meet my band. We have River, my brother, on guitar. And then we have the lovely Scarlett on percussion. I'm so excited for you guys to hear this music. It's a roller coaster of emotions but it's totally worth it.
The Ep consists of 7 Songs for a total of 25 minutes and 27 seconds of music created my muah." I giggle when I say the next sentence.

"But there is Two songs that I want to talk about a little bit. The first one I want to talk about is track 3. This song is about my parents. For those who haven't watched the documentary series of tour so far . . . My parents are no longer in my life. My Dad is one of the biggest reasons why. And my mom is so far up my dads ass that she's taking his side and believes all of his lies." I say and take a deep breath.

"And now the second song I want to talk about. Track 7 is very very important to me. When I preform it's going to be the last song I play of my set. Dom hasn't heard this song yet. And he won't until our first show back on tour" I say with a smile.
He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me.

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