Chapter 31

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I get home from my shift around 8 am and walk into the kitchen to get something to eat. When I walk in Dom is sitting there with his hair wet and he is wearing shorts. I'm assuming he just got out of the shower.

He looks up from his phone and looks at me and smiles.
"Ello luv. How was work?" He says and then kisses me.

"It was really really good actually. I spent most of the shift talking to my mom. She gets out in about a few hours. She was in a car accident." I say as I get eggs out to make some eggs and toast.

"Oh fook is she okay?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah she's fine. Do you think she could come over for dinner? Since it's nice out maybe we could eat outside tonight. She could meet the babies and finally formally meet you without my dad interrupting" I say then chuckle.

"Yea of course! I can make some food on the grill. What should I make?"

"How about . . . Ooo can you make steak?" I ask him.

"Yea I can darlin." He smiles then kisses me.
"I'll run to the store and get stuff. Will you be okay to get the babies up in a little bit?" He asks me.

I nod my head and start making my breakfast.

He quickly runs upstairs and gets ready then comes down and kisses me goodbye then he leaves.

Once I finish cooking my food I eat then go upstairs because the babies are awake.
I pick them up and feed them and such then bring them downstairs. I set them in their walkers then stand by the sliding doors off of the kitchen so I can smoke while they're still in my vision.

While I'm smoking Dom comes back from the store. He sets the bags down and kisses me quickly then shows me what he got.

"I'm excited for tonight, for you to meet my real mother" I say and chuckle.

"I'm excited too. I get to show her how good I treat you and our little family" he says with a huge smile.

"Yes you do lover" I say as I smile then continue to smoke.

I finish my cigarette then put it out.
"I'm going to go upstairs and nap. I'm tired, I haven't slept in like . . . Over 24 hours" I say and laugh.

"No problem luv. Take a nap. I have the kiddos. Besides, you've been really busy lately too. I can tell you've been stressed out." He says then hugs me. I hug him back tightly then I go upstairs.

I get on comfy clothes then I lay down in the middle of the bed all sprawled out. I sleep for about 4 hours then get up and pump. While I pump I check my phone and reply to a few texts and emails. I scroll through Instagram and as I'm scrolling I see clips from the last show of tour on my explore page.

I hear clips of all of us singing the chorus of my song and I smile wide. I love my band. I love my life right now. Hearing the crowd cheer it just . . . It feels so right.

But if I leave . . . I'll no longer be Dr.Owens. I'll be Nicole on stage. I'll be Nicole from Never Reach The Sky. NRTS. Nicole Owens, the girl who fell in love with Dominic Harrison and one day will be headlining her own tour with her band. Dr.Owens no more.

I take a deep breath, get up, and go downstairs after I put clothes on. I grab my keys and let dom know I'll be back.

I drive to the hospital listening to my EP. Once I get to the hospital I go to HR. I talk to them then go to my office. I pack everything up, as I'm packing a bunch of nurses and doctors come into my office and hug me. We all hug each other while smiling, laughing, crying, all the emotions that could possibly be felt in the moment.

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