Chapter 6

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The morning of the the concert we all wake up and meet in the kitchen. All of us decided to spend the night at Adam and Doms house. This is the first time I've spent the night since we went shopping.
Dom ordered a bunch of food from a breakfast place and we all sat at the table and ate mulkbang style. Dom's friend Tom came over and decided we needed to film us all eating to post on YouTube for fun. Dom was really hyped up the entire time because he is playing a show today. While he was eating a waffle he placed his hand on my thigh. I looked and him and smiled. Then continues eating.
"Oh by the way guys this is . . ." He pauses. I think he realized that we haven't made it official yet.
"This is my girlfriend Nicole. Then this is Adam, we love Adam, my babe, then we have Avery, Jack my drummer for tonight, and then finally River." He then goes on with talking and I look at Avery and River. They look at me with huge smiles on their face and I'm smiling probably just as wide as they are. We go back to eating. Once we're done we clean up and start getting ready for the day. Dom has me help him pack his stuff then he helps me finish packing mine. Once everyone is ready we head to the venue.

We go backstage and everyone starts getting ready for the show. Dom puts on jeans and a striped shirt then goes out to start sound check. With the rest of the band. River, Avery, and I put our concert outfits on then I do my makeup then help River with his eyeliner. Then River insists on curling my hair for me again so I let him. Once I'm ready I go out to listen to some sound check. I take my phone out and record him for a few seconds making weird noises into the mic then post it on my Snapchat story.

I go off to the side backstage and I chose the audio for his song Cruel kids to film a TikTok to. I start lip syncing and show off my outfit. Then randomly Dom popped up out of no where, took my phone mid video, and bolted back onstage. He posted the video and tagged himself in it then started recording himself and taking pictures and posting them all over my social media.

"DOMINIC!! Get back here!" I say running after him. He just laughs at me. Finally when I got up to him he lifted me up. While recording on my phone. He put my phone in his pocket then continued holding me.

"Okay you've had your fun. Can you put me down now?" I say then laugh

"Mmmm no thank you"

We stand there smiling at each other. Tom takes a few pictures of us while we aren't paying attention.

I whisper in Dom's ear "do good tonight and maybe princess will give you a surprise tonight".

He whispers back "Do I have to wait that long?"

"Yes you do. You have to continue preparing for tonight."

"Butttttt what if we do a quickie now and then we do even more later?"

I whisper "why are you so horny lately?"
"Because you're so fookin sexy."
I blush a little. "Maybe. We'll see. For now go back to sound check okay?"
He smirks at me. "Okay Darlin" he says to me and puts me down. He gives me my phone back.

I go back to the dressing room and sit on the couch and wait for him to get done. "We look so hot. Once the others are ready we should have Tom take pictures."

Both River and Avery nod. We basically just sit there and hang out. After about an hour They come in to start getting ready. Dom is jacked full of energy and I love it. I love seeing him this happy and excited.

"This show is gonna be so fookin mental tonight!!"
He comes over to me and makes me stand up just so he can see my outfit.
"My gosh you're stunning. Come here"
He grabs my hand and pulls me close.
"I got two hours until I've gotta get fully ready. Can we have some fun?"
I roll my eyes and laugh at him. "Dom."
"What? We haven't done anyfing since last weekend" he laughs.
I whisper to him. "Maybe later. Okay?"
He nods and poors himself a cup of beer.
"Imma ask some random questions cause why the Fuck not. how you ever walked in on someone naked or accident or, or has someone else ever walked in on you naked?"

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