CHAPTER 7: Beauty in black bike

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# Siren Grace's bike (MTT 420RR) above#

Daniel Smith, the leader of Squad 13, who is a crime expert and known for his keen observation is now standing before the dead body of the man who was murdered at the dark alley. All his playfulness from before vanished as he examined the body with utmost seriousness. On seeing no traces of injuries on the other parts of his body except a clean fine slit on his neck, a frown dominated his face.

Johnny who is near him informed, "Boss this is the second murder in the last two weeks and likewise no traces of injury were seen except a slit on the neck"

Daniel who has been keenly observing the body turned and looked at Johnny, "Do you think I am blind?"

Johnny was baffled at his question, "Boss..."

"I can see that, Johnny. Tell me something I don't know" Daniel scoffed and ordered him to the get the reports from the previous team who had attended the case.

Daniel sat inside his cabin and read the reports that johnny got. But the size of the report is thinner than the ultra-thin Durex condom. The reports only have the information about the thugs and their local crimes. The weird thing is that both the murders were done with neither knife nor any sharp object but a simple deck card with intricate design of spade.

Daniel called Johnny "Where is the spade?"

"Spade? Why Boss, are you going to plant the tree?" Johnny asked.

Daniel narrowed his eyes dangerously and said, "NO. I am going to dig a pit lankier than you and bury you in it".

Hearing this, chills ran through Johnny's spine.

"I am asking about the spade card found at the crime scene" Daniel said.

"Oh! That. The cops handed it over to the forensic department"

Not idling around the place, Daniel left to check the spade card.

At Grey Mansion

Aiden sat on the sofa in the main hall and busily texting in his tablet. He wore a very serious expression on his face. He suddenly frowned after reading the text on his phone.

He put the tablet aside and folded his arms with an angry expression. As if he forgot to mention something, he started to type vigorously. After a few minutes of chatting, he closed the tablet and grinned silly showing his canines.

Aiden stepped outside the mansion followed by the driver.

"Stop at Ms. Greta's pet shop on the way to school" he ordered the driver.

The driver bowed his head and opened the door. He gets inside the car and sat comfortably.

Aiden got out of the pet shop carrying his backpack. The driver thanked Ms. Greta and carried the things that his young master purchased. He put everything inside the trunk of the car and opened the door for his young master.

He started the car and drove off on the busy road. In the middle of the road, the driver saw a bike horn its way towards them in the side mirror.

Aiden caught the sight of the black with golden MTT 420 chasing their car. He would never forget the model of the bike and the person who drives that. His eyes sparkled and immediately instructed the driver to stop the car at side.

The bike came to halt near the car. Hearing the knock, Aiden rolled down the window and peeked outside. A hand came inside, holding his ID, Aiden looked down to search his backpack only to find his ID missing.

He looked up and saw electric blue eyes blankly staring at him through the opening of the helmet.

"You dropped your ID near the pet shop. Here you go", Siren brings the ID tag towards him.

Aiden didn't take any effort to take the card from her, instead he stared at her starstruck.

Siren tapped the side of the window again. This made him came out of the daze. He immediately opened the door on the other side, ran towards her and brought out his hand forward.

The driver at the front seat wanted to puke blood seeing his young master who is always as cold as ice, now cutely blinking at the stranger.

Siren looks confused at the small boy's action yet she handed over the card to him. He lifted his index finger and showed hither motion. She narrowed her eyes but seeing the cute boy's face, she did as he asked. She lifted her slender leg off the bike and removed her helmet. She squatted on her knees near him.

He came towards her and kissed her cheeks. He immediately got inside the car and shut the door. The car drove off leaving Siren shocked at his action.

She stood up from the place and traced her cheeks where the boy had kissed. She usually avoided physical contact with other persons but remembering the boy's reddening ears after kissing her, it seems funny to her.

She looked towards the leaving car and muttered, "Silly".

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