Chapter 64: First night together

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Siren relished the dinner to her heart's content. Every so often, Aiden picked some food and placed them in her bowl, encouraging her to taste it. And so, the three of them finished their meal and retired to their respective rooms.
Alfred instructed the maids to clear the table and refill the water jars in both the master and young master's room. He emphasized the importance of completing the tasks promptly, as it was the newlyweds' first night together.
Initially taken aback by the news of his master's marriage, Alfred hadn't anticipated everything to unfold so swiftly, especially considering the young master's fondness for Ms. Siren. However, he now felt a sense of relief that his master was finally moving on from the past.
Thinking about his master's past, Alfred couldn't help but release a heavy sigh.

Aiden didn't leave Siren too soon; instead, he dragged her to his own room, and there he chatted endlessly about random things while Siren listened attentively and nodded occasionally.
After an hour, Aiden grew tired and drifted off to sleep in Siren's arms, still chatting about his upcoming painting class that required one of their parent's presence as a model. Siren carefully laid his head on the pillow and tucked him in with the blanket. Standing there quietly, she observed his peaceful sleeping face. His dark midnight hair and green eyes resembled very much his father's.
She gently stroked his face for a while before leaning down to plant a fleeting kiss on his forehead, whispering, "Good night, Ade."

Siren stood in front of Raven’s room contemplating whether to enter or ask the butler for the guest room. But it would spread an unwanted rumour about them. She braced herself and entered the room, her heart thumped loudly for some unknown reason.

As she stepped into the bedroom, she found herself enveloped in an atmosphere of sleek elegance, with the walls painted in a sophisticated palette of black and grey hues. The monochromatic scheme lent a sense of modernity and refinement to the space.
Her gaze drifted to the wide bed positioned in the center of the room, its frame crafted from rich, dark wood, complementing the room's color scheme perfectly. A silky black linen duvet was meticulously spread across the wide expanse of the bed.
The opposite side of the wall was adorned with grey curtains. Overhead, a modern pendant light fixture cast a warm glow throughout the room, casting subtle shadows against the walls and adding to the ambiance of understated luxury.
Siren's brows furrowed as she scanned the room for Raven’s presence. However, the soft sound of the door opening drew her attention, and she turned around just in time to witness Raven emerging from the shower with a towel that was wrapped dangerously around his waist.
Her breath caught in her throat as her gaze trailed over his form, taking in the sight of his well-toned six-pack muscles proudly on display. He possessed a physique that was neither overly muscular nor lacking, but perfectly balanced, with broad, rippling shoulders that flexed enticingly as he ran the towel through his damp hair.
Her eyes lingered on the narrow waist that tapered into the distinct V-shape of his adonis belt, accentuating his masculine build with a subtle elegance. As Raven shook his head slightly, a single droplet of water cascaded from his hair, tracing a mesmerizing path down his chest and vanished behind the edge of the towel wrapped around his waist, leaving a lingering trail of moisture in its wake.
Raven already sensed her gaze on his body but he chose against teasing her. He smirked slightly and said, “You can take a shower now”
Siren discreetly averted her gaze, her silence masking the rapid flutter of her heart, and entered the closet to retrieve her nightwear. On one side of the closet, Raven's possessions filled the space with an array of suits, ties, watches, gym attire, and nightwear, each item meticulously organized.
Siren's own clothes occupied the opposite side, though she noticed that there were more dresses than she had packed from her own house. It was evident that it was Raven’s doing which she didn’t mind.
Picking her nightdress, she emerged from the closet to find Raven busy drying his hair with a blower. Without a word, she slipped into the shower, allowing the warm water to envelop her, a welcome reprieve from the tension that lingered in the air.
After her shower, Siren emerged in her nightwear, her steps light as she entered the room. Raven casually flipping through the documents in his hand still wrapped in a towel. However, as if sensing her presence, he glanced up from the documents, and their eyes locked.
Raven took in her attire for a moment and soon laughter filled the room, a low and seductive sound that seemed to dance on the edge of mischief and charm. It started as a rumble deep in his chest, resonating with an alluring timbre that sent shivers down Siren's spine. As it bubbled up, it carried a hint of huskiness, adding a sensual undertone to its melody.
Siren’s ear tip started to turn red as she glared at him, “Why are you laughing?” she questioned him, her tone tinged with irritation.
But Raven showed no signs of slowing down, his laughter persisting as if he found an endless reservoir of amusement. Eventually, when he finally managed to compose himself, he met her gaze with twinkling eyes. "I must say," he began, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of his lips, "you've chosen quite the interesting dress for your first night with your husband."
Siren's gaze drifted downward to her pajamas-a cozy combination of pale peach sweatpants paired with a loose matching t-shirt, casually tucked in at the front. As she examined her attire, her eyes fell upon a picture of a large panda stuck out his tongue. Unconsciously, her cheeks flushed with a soft pink hue, a reaction she couldn't quite suppress.
She couldn't help but silently blame Alex for the choice of clothing. Didn't he realize she was a grown woman? While she had never minded his selections before, the laughter from Raven made her feel unexpectedly self-conscious, as if she were being viewed as a child in his eyes.
Raven chuckled and stood up from the chair. He placed the document aside and turned to meet her eyes. He closed the distance between them and leaned down, his warm breath tickling her ear as he whispered, "Then, Shall we?"

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