CHAPTER 14: Bloody Present

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Ian Jasper, the personal secretary of Raven Grey stood before his boss who, had been staring deeply at him for the past twenty minutes. He touched his face, wondering if something was stuck to his face. Feeling nothing, he gathered his courage and asked his boss.

“Who am I?”

Ian was dumfounded by this question. He didn’t expect his boss would ask something ridiculous after staring at him for almost half an hour.

Uncertain of his boss’s purpose in asking him this question, he answered truthfully “My boss”.

Hearing this, Raven’s lip twitched, “And?”

As if realizing something, he straightened his glass before answering, “Mr. Raven Grey, the president of the Altron group”

Raven hummed, “Anymore?”

Ian blinked, wondering if his boss was rubbing his wealth in his face.

Raven sighed, “Forget it. Get the meeting room ready and inform Mr. Collin’s team to be there with their reports in ten minutes”

“Yes boss”, Ian replied, and exited the room.

Raven stood up from his chair and strolled towards the large glass wall. He clearly remembered the conversation between him and Siren on that day of their meeting.

After finishing their breakfast, he picked up Aiden and put him inside the car. The reluctant Aiden, who didn’t want to part with his angel stuck his head outside the car window.

“Ms. Siren, I won’t mind if you want to send me off with a goodbye kiss. Here I will lend my cheek”. Aiden tilted his chin towards Siren’s direction hoping to get his angel’s kiss.

As if bursting his bubbles, his father laid his big hand over his head and shoved him inside the car hiding his small face with his muscular back. Not wanting to give up on getting his kiss he hit his father’s back with his small fist.

After all the useless attempts, he humphed and slumped back on the seat with a big pout. Seeing his son give up, Raven turned his attention on Siren.

“So… Ms. Siren Grace, may I know what colour you prefer?” his voice deeper than usual and his eyes staring straight at the electric blue eyes.

Siren who had silently watched the entire show between the father and son duo didn’t answer immediately. She saw how Ms. Pakpao stuck her entire face in the glass frame and stared at them deeply, not wanting to miss any exchange between them. If she is not wrong, Ms. Pakpao is already deciding to loot the entire Victoria’s Secret for her honeymoon. 

Siren turned her gaze to Raven and replied calmly “Red”

He raised his brows, “Red as in roses?”

“Red in blood”

Raven looked at her with amusement in his eyes. He came to stand before her and leaned down to her and asked friskily, “Then should I gift you a carton of goat blood or do you prefer chickens?”

“Why not yours?” 

Hearing this, Raven’s lips quirked, “With pleasure” 

He lifted his hand before placing his thumb at the corner of her mouth, parting her lips and grazing it against her sharp canine, smearing the dripping blood at the corner of her soft lips. 

He retraced his hand and moved backwards before asking with mirth twinkling in his eyes, 

“How do you like it?” 

Siren’s eyes hardened seeing his action. She said “I am not sure before, but now I am sure how true the rumours about you are”.

“Rumours that I am a godly handsome?” Raven asked with evident smirk on his face without caring that he is showing off.

Siren’s lip twitched hearing this. She knows he is anything but godly. In precise he is a devil. Devil clads in human skin. All she wanted to do now was to wipe the infuriating smirk off his face. She closed the distance between them, her breath fell on the shell of his ear.

“Insane. Rumours that you are insane … Hunter”

Seeing his smirk fell, she gave him a pleasant smile before turning back to enter in to the restaurant. 

Back to present, Raven wondered how much she knew about him. But it’s another mystery how she knew about him. He picked up his phone and dialled the most annoying person in his contact list. The call was picked up within a second. 

“Oh! my dear grumpy pants. Do you know how much I missed you?” came the exciting voice which made Raven regret keeping this bastard still alive.

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