Chapter 55: Declaring sovereignty

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Alex wondered whether they were playing family before marriage, because Raven was dressed in shiny red satin shirt with black pants, and Siren matched him with the loose fitting black shirt which is tucked in front into her red suit pants. The only difference is that Raven’s shade of red is a little bit darker than Siren’s pants. As if not enough Aiden too matched their outfit.

Siren entered the shed and stood in front of Raven. She looked him up and down and said to him with solemn expression, “We matched”

Raven’s lips quirked at the side, “We do”

Aiden wiggled in Alex’s arms telling him to let him down. Once his feet touched the ground he ran towards Siren and held her hands in his little fingers. The three stood there like they are already a loving family planning to go for a vacation in matching family outfits.

Alex couldn’t help but burst in jealousy, as a father he never wore a matching outfit with his daughter. He angrily stormed inside his personal room in the shed and turned the room up and down finally finding a red shirt. 

After changing the dress he came outside only to see Conan waiting for him in the lobby with the red and black suit. He gritted his teeth and asked him,

“Where is my daughter?”

“She went to the bureau with my grandson for marriage registration. I am here to accompany you…My in-law” Conan said with a polite tone but one could see the mockery in his eyes.

Alex scoffed and replied, “My daughter should not marry without my presence”

“Come on Alex, it's just a registration not a wedding” Conan rolled his eyes.

“Not even a registration” Alex then started his car and drove madly towards the civil affairs bureau followed by Conan.

Fortunately for them when they arrived, the couples only started to fill out the application and necessary documents before signing the marriage certificate. The couples took a photo and got their red books in their hand.

Siren saw the book in her hand, she opened it and saw that both she and him were staring straight at the camera, his lips slightly hooked up at the corner revealing a faint smile whereas she looked expressionless and blank.

She was now Grey and the man standing besides her is now her husband, a legal one. She never thought of marrying someone and having a family in this lifetime but now not only does she have a husband but also a child. 

She didn’t know if she did the right thing or not but she couldn’t ignore the feeling she got when looking at Aiden, a warmth of light. She wishes to hold it tight as long as she can.

But it is another matter, the feeling she got for Raven. It was a very faint and unknown emotion that she wished to nip it in the bud but now it seems impossible with him being her husband.  

She came out of her daze when she felt someone caressing her head. She looked up to see Alex patting her head with dramatic tears in his eyes. 

He opened his mouth and about to say something when Siren stopped him and said,“Save your speech for wedding Dexy, it's just a registration”

She destroyed his emotional bubble within a second. Alex cleared his throat and said, “ Ofcourse I will, I am your father after all” 

Conan congratulated them and gave a small red pocket to Siren which she accepted with thanks. Alex reluctantly gave a small gift he bought for Raven and a red pocket to Aiden. They both politely thanked him.

Aiden tugged at the corner of Siren’s pants and held his hand in front of her. She understood what he wanted and handed over the red book to him. He turned to his father and asked for his red book too. He opened to see the picture inside and kept the two books close and saw them left and right. His action brought smiles to the people present there.

He carefully closed the book and safely tucked it deep inside his pants pocket, fearing that someone might steal them. He looked up to see Siren with tears in his eyes. 

He said softly, “Aiden has a mother now” uncontrollable tears spilled from his eyes. 

Siren squatted down and wiped the tears and said, “Hmm. you do”

Aiden giggled and soon laughed loudly, calling Siren a “Mother” and jumped up and down in front of her like a monkey. Siren smiled softly as she felt scorching heat in her heart when she listened to him calling her mother.

“A mother” she thought in her mind

Raven saw his son’s antics with a smile in his eyes. He knew he was truly happy now. Even though he was very brave and intelligent for a boy of four he was still a child at heart.

Soon the family drives to the famous restaurant in the city to have lunch together. Alex told them to hold the wedding as soon as possible as he didn’t want his daughter to be someone's wife only in the shadows. 

Conan also suggested the same. Raven assured Alex that the wedding will be held next month once he finishes his upcoming foreign deals. He also told them he already sent the marriage certificates and photos to the press and media. His marriage will be the talk of the city tomorrow.

When Alex heard that he was shocked while Conan looked very proud of his grandson. Siren silently stared at her newly married husband thinking when he got the time to do this when he was with them all this time.

As if sensing her gaze he turned to see her, “ I texted my secretary when we exited the bureau” 

He explained to her. But he had already set everything up before, when she asked him to marry her. If one thing Raven strongly believes in, is declaring his sovereignty. He wants everyone in the world to know that she is his. 

Whether he loves her or not, one should know not to mess with something that belongs to him.

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