Chapter 65: Sleeping preferences

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“Then, Shall we?”

Siren's heart began to race inside her chest, pounding wildly. Raven edged closer, creating a taut space between them. With deliberate slowness, he reached out and encircled her with his arm, drawing her nearer to him.

Wrapped in his embrace, she stood motionless, as if frozen like ice. Her eyes started to redden, her breaths growing labored. As he was only wrapped in a towel she could feel his naked skin pressed against her soft clothes. She stood there with her hand stiffly suspended on either side of her body.

Raven hugged her impossibly closer to him. He could sense her body started to tremble in his embrace. Yet, he didn't ease his grasp. He removed his right hand from her waist and gently placed it on her head and caressed  her soft hair, "Don't worry, Siren. I won't do anything to you, at least not against your will." he reassured her.

Siren remained silent within Raven's embrace for five minutes, her breath gradually steadying. With hesitant movements, she raised her hand and returned the embrace gently, her gaze unfocused. As her touch met his skin, Raven's lips curved into a faint smile, and he nestled his face into the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply. Her fragrance stirred his senses, reminiscent of the rich warmth of burning wood on a crisp autumn evening.

Startled by his sudden action, Siren attempted to push him away, but Raven refused to release her, drawing her back into his embrace. "I'm leaving for Millburg tomorrow," he murmured against her neck, his lips grazing her skin occasionally.

Siren gritted her teeth and endured the tingling sensation on the skin. She took a deep breath and asked him in a hoarse voice, “When will you come back?”

Raven couldn’t help but tease her, “Why? Missing me already”

Siren lost her patience and she forcefully pushed him away, creating space between their bodies. With a glare, she turned and claimed the left side of the bed for herself. Raven chuckled softly at her irritated retreat. Siren settled onto the soft bed, pulling the duvet over her body for comfort. When she was finally prepared for the night, she glanced over to find Raven, who had now discarded the towel covering his body and stood only in his underwear.

Her eyes narrowed as he pulled the covers and joined her in bed. She blurted out, "Do you only sleep in boxers?"
Raven arched an eyebrow at the question, responding calmly, "Nope. I prefer to sleep naked. I'm just being considerate to you," he said, before settling into the bed, leaving a respectable distance between them under the shared duvet.
Siren pressed her lips into a thin line at his reply, realizing that this conversation will lead her nowhere. With a resigned sigh, she shifted her position, her gaze drifting blankly to the ceiling. She pondered why she had felt such a sense of calmness in Raven's embrace. It was as if she had been enveloped in a deep, dark abyss, shielded from the watchful eyes and bright light of the outside world. Though dark, it offered a strange comfort that she couldn't quite explain.

"Are you sure you don't want to cuddle? It might take another month for you to see my perfect body," Raven asked her, breaking the silence of the room and disrupting her thoughts.

Siren turned to observe his expression. His face was serious as if urging her to seriously consider the choice. After a brief moment of contemplation, she responded with a stoic expression, "You do have a point." With that, she closed the distance between them.
Raven smirked at her direct answer, extending his arm to offer it as a pillow. With his other arm, he enveloped her in an embrace, pulling her close for a warm cuddle.

“Good night, Siren” he whispered above her head.

Siren remained silent, and listened to the steady rhythm of his powerful heartbeat. It acted as a soothing lullaby, calming her mind and easing her into a peaceful sleep, a luxury she hadn't experienced for a long time.

As the  morning approaches, the sunlight filters through the windows, painting the room with a delicate golden hue. As the first rays of dawn pierce through the curtains, they cast soft, warm patterns across the floor and walls.

Siren's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the sight of the empty space beside her. She reached out to touch the cold, vacant spot on the bed, confirming that the person who had been there was long gone. She remembered Raven mentioning his meeting in Millburg, but he hadn't specified the time of his departure.

"He probably already left," she thought to herself.

A fleeting disappointment flashed in Siren's eyes, but it vanished as quickly as it had appeared. Pushing aside her thoughts she rose from the bed and made her way to the wardrobe to select her clothes before heading to the shower.

After finishing her shower, Siren descended the stairs and found Aiden seated at the table, patiently waiting without touching the food set before him. A small smile tugged at her lips as she realized that he was likely waiting for her.

As soon as Aiden heard the footsteps, he sprang up from his chair and dashed towards Siren. She scooped him up, being mindful not to wrinkle his uniform. A light smile graced her lips as she wished him a good morning.
"Good morning, mommy!" Aiden beamed widely in response.
Siren carried him over to the dining table and settled him into his seat before taking her own nearby. Alfred, who stood nearby, greeted Siren and promptly instructed the maid to serve breakfast. Just as Siren was about to inquire about the timing of his master's departure, loud and steady footsteps reverberated through the halls.
Siren’s heart thumped along with the footsteps. He…he didn’t leave yet.
Her ears tingle as a shadow falls over the left side of her face. As she turned to see him, his nose brushed against her cheek. Her breath caught in her throat at the closeness of their proximity with their faces only mere inches apart.
Taking in the sight before her, Siren observed the man's attire, a royal blue suit complemented by a crisp white shirt and a pin-striped maroon tie. His black hair was meticulously gelled to the side, accentuating his polished appearance.
Noticing the spark of surprise in her electric blue eyes, Raven's smile tugged subtly at the edges as he asked, "Thought I left?"

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