Chapter 8

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The day was over and I was heading to the great hall to meet up with Regulus. We waited in the great all for a bit because Remus wasn't there yet.

"So. How is my brother?" Regulus asked

"He's fine." I looked down

"Of course he is." Regulus chuckled, "He's with who he loves."

I ended up chuckling with him. He stared at me until I stopped laughing.

"Were you looking at me Mr Black?" I joked

"Maybe." He smirked

I could feel my face heat up at his response.

"You get flustered easily Miss Potter." He laughed

"Shut up." I turned my head away

Remus walked in so we headed off. Every time I looked at Remus he just smirked. Did he hear what happened in the hall? Before we knew it we were where the incident happened last time. Remus brought his mouth to my ear as we stopped by the door.

"I'm sorry about last time." I heard him whisper

"Its fine." I whispered back

We continued walking until we saw a rat on the floor. It scurried away as it saw us.

"Why is a rat there?" Regulus asked

"Lets follow it." Remus ran after the rat

Me and Regulus chased after Remus round corners until we couldn't see him.

"Where has that idiot gone?!" Regulus groaned

Suddenly, a bunch of Random animals ran from around the corner. They weren't animagi so I pushed myself and Regulus into one of the rooms next to us. It happened to be a closet.

"If you wanted me alone you could have asked." Regulus laughed as a smirked formed on his face

I rolled my eyes and walked out to see James, Sirius, Remus and Peter outside waiting for us. James was clapping with a huge smile on his face.

"Congratulations!" He cheered

"On what?" I asked

"For coming out of the closet!" He tried to hold in his laughter

Regulus stepped out and just walked away.

"You are idiots." I rubbed my temples

"We know." Sirius spoke proudly

Remus quickly done a spell and all the animals that were there a few seconds ago vanished.

"Lets go back to the common room." Peter smiled

"I've got some things to do." I walked off

"Bye!" The boys yelled

I quickly caught up with Regulus to see him frowning.

"What's wrong Reggie?" I placed my hand on his shoulder

"Don't call me Reggie." He shoved it off

"Is this about the prank the boys done?" I asked

"No." He sighed, "Its just. Its hard to see him happy with others instead of his family. Instead of me."

I then found myself hugging him.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Giving you something you were never given as a child."

We both stayed silent until Remus walked over.

Is it love? [Regulus x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now