Chapter 49

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A few days later, Y/N walked into the great hall earlier than usual. Everyone's eyes were on Y/N. There had been a full moon resently, so Y/N had more scars, but that wasn't why people were staring.

"Hey Miss Potter!" Some called out

"Go back to where you came from!" More yelled

"Boomer!" Others teased

Ron walked over to Y/N.

"What's all this about?" He asked

"What are you talking about?" Y/N took a step back

"The daily profit!" Ron put a daily profit on the table next to them

"I don't want to talk about that." Y/N looked everywhere but Ron's eyes

He scoffed, "You've been lying this whole time. You're a Fucking liar."

He walked off. Neville and Harry walked over to Y/N.

"Do you want to go by the Black Lake?" Neville asked, "I don't want to go alone."

"Anywhere but here." Y/N followed the boys

Once they arrived, Y/N and Harry sat down. Harry sat against a tree, reading. Neville started to pick herbs. Y/N looked through their Lycanthropy book.

"Amazing." Neville smiled, "Amazing."

"Neville." Y/N said, not looking up from their book

"Neville. You're doing it again." Harry told him

"Oh. Right, sorry." Neville apologised

Hermione walked over to the three, Ron and Ginny behind her.

"Ronald would like to o tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you." Hermionetold Harry

"Is that right?" Harry started, "Well, you- what?"

"Uh." Hermione thought for a moment

She ran back to Ron before running back.

"Dean was to,d by Parvati that- Please don't ask me to say it again." Hermione pleaded, "Hagrid's looking for you."

"Well, you can tell Ronald-" Harry was cut off

"She's not an owl!" Y/N yelled, "She's a real human being! Now, go to Hagrid!"

Hermione, Ron and Ginny walked off while Y/N packed their things up and followed.

The next day, people were wearing badges to say 'Potter Stinks' and 'Lying Y/N'. Y/N and Harry had to push past people just to get around the school.

"How does it feel to be the last Potters alive?" Someone asked

Harry stood back while Y/N walked over to Cedric.

"Read the badge, Potter!" A boy teased

"Read my lips. F-U-C-K  O-F!" Y/N raised their voice at him

Their eyes darted to Cedric.

"We need to talk." Y/N told him

Y/N led Cedric over to where Harry was.

"Harry has something to say to us." Y/N crossed their arms

"Dragons. That's the first task." Harry told them both, "They've got one for each of us."

"Are you serious?!" Cedric raised an eyebrow

Harry nodded.

"And Fleur and Krum, do they-?" Cedric was at a loss for words

"We'll see you around." Y/N told Cedric

"Hey." Cedric grabbed their jumper sleeve, "About the badges. I've asked them not to wear them, but-"

"I've dealt with worse." Y/N pulled Harry away

The two saw Ron and Seamus walking by.

"Harry, don't." Y/N told him

"Has he said anything to you?" Harry asked

"Only that I'm a 'Fucking liar'." Y/N made quotation marks with their hands

Harry walked over to Ron.

"You're a right foul Git. You know that!" Harry told Ron

"You think so?" He asked

"I know so." Harry nodded

"Anything else?"

"Yeah." Harry said, "Stay away from us."

"Fine." Ron pushed past Harry and Y/N

Y/N stood in silence.

"I can't believe you're in love with a Slytherin!" Ron called out to Y/N

"I hate that everyone knows now." Y/N complained, "It wasn't meant to go this way! Now the future has changed! Everything was scripted into a specific way and that's been ruined!"

When Y/N looked around, Harry was talking with Draco and his friends. Regulus walked over to them. Draco was about to shoot a spell at Harry, who had started to walk away, when Moody popped out and turned him into a ferret.

"I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned!" Moody walked over to Harry and Draco

"We should talk, about 'Moody'." Y/N whispered to Regulus

"What's wrong with him?" Regulus asked

"It's- it's not him." Y/N whispered

Regulus' eyebrows furrowed.

"Who is it?" He asked

"Barty. Jr." Y/N told him

The two watched as Moody began to walk away and they both followed after him.

"Professor Moody!" Y/N said as they arrived at his office

"Y/N. Regulus." Moody spoke, "What do you need?"

"Drop the act. I know, Barty." Regulus rolled his eyes

Moody looked at the two before bringing them into his office.

"So, you told him?" Moody locked the door

"Of course!" Y/N sounded as if it was obvious

Y/N's pollyjuice began to run out and they transformed back into their real safe.

"I'm taller than you." Y/N smiled at Regulus

"By a few centimetres at most." Regulus rolled his eyes

Regulus's pollyjuice ran out and he was now taller than them by a foot. Moody rolled his eyes.

"What do you two want?" Moody asked

"What are you up to?" Regulus asked, "I was told you were in Azkaban."

He shook his head.

"Not anymore." He chuckled, "I'm with The Dark Lord now, serving him. You know what that's like. Don't you, Regulus?"

Regulus looked down at the floor and crossed his arms.

"You're not Barty.' Regulus's shook his head, "Barty wouldn't act like this."

"Get over it. Things changed after you both left." Moody rolled his eyes, or eye, "Lots of things changed."

"You changed! You're serving The Dark Lord. You're pretending to be someone who killed your boyfriend! Everything about you has changed! You're not the Barty we knew." Y/N snapped, "Let's go, Regulus."

Y/N pulled Regulus out Moody's office.

" 'You ok?" Regulus asked them

"No." Y/N shook their head

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