Chapter 45

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Y/N arrived at the Weasley's house, with the Pollyjuice potion in affect. Molly opened the door and allowed them inside.

"Thank you for inviting me." Y/N smiled at the woman

"Of course." Molly smiled back

She went into the kitchen while Y/N walked into the lounge. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George were sitting there. The twins had given the trio some tea.

"Thanks for the chai tea." Harry thanked them

"Chai tea?!" Y/N shrieked, "Chai tea?!"

"That's what Fred and George called it." Harry shrugged

Y/N walked over to them all.

"Chai tea?! Chai tea?! Chai means tea! You're saying tea tea!" Y/N shrieked, "Would I ask you for coffee coffee with room for cream cream?"

Fred and George couldn't help but laugh. Harry stayed speechless.

"It always gets you!" Fred wiped his tears, from laughing,

"Oh shut up." Y/N rolled their eyes

Arthur walked into the room.

"Y/N! How are you?" Arthur shook their hand

"I'm doing good. Have you met Nymphadora Tonks? She's a lovely woman." Y/N smiled

"I've heard of her. She's joining the order, isn't she?" Arthur smiled back

Y/N nodded. Molly walked into the room.

"You should get going." Molly told them

"Right, we should." Arthur clapped his hands

Everyone left the house and began to walk through the woods. It took a while to get where they needed to go.

"Arthur!" A man called out, "It's about time, son!"

"Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." Arthur chuckled

"You must be Amos. Amos Diggory, right?" Y/N shook his hand

"Yes." Amos nodded, "And you're..."

"Y/N. Y/N Weasley." Y/N introduced themselves

"Amos works with me at the ministry." Arthur told everyone

A boy jumped out of the tree and landed next to Amos.

"And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" Arthur asked the boy

"Yes sir." The boy smiled

Everyone continued to walk through the woods until coming across their destination. It was a boot. They all placed a hand on the boot, or portkey, and got whizzed away. Harry, Ron, Hermionie, Ginny, the twins, and Y/N landed on the floor while Arthur, Amos, and Cedric walked down. Cedric lent Y/N a hand and helped them off the floor.

"Thanks." Y/N brushed the dirt off

"Well, kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Arthur announced

Amos and Cedric left the others to go set up camp. The tent they were in was small on the outside but huge on the inside.

"Feet of the table." Arthur walked around

"Feet off the table." The twins mimicked him

"Get your feet off the table!" Y/N slapped the twins feet away

They both put their feet down and Y/N sat where their feet previously were.

"Did you ever go to something like this, Y/N?" George asked them

"No. Monty and James did though. James loved it." Y/N chuckled at the memory

It was time for the Quidditch match. Everyone got into the stadium and started to take their seats. Y/N noticed the Malfoys and Regulus but ignored them. They were placed at the very top of the stadium. Y/N didn't enjoy Qudditch as much as everyone else did, that's why they dropped out at the end of 3rd year. McGonagall was disappointed but accepted their choice.

Once the match had ended, everyone went back to the tent.

"There's no one like Krum!" Ron said

"Krum?" Fred repeated

"Dumb Krum." George rolled his eyes

"He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind." Ron said, dreamily, "He's more than an athlete."

"Dumb Krum." Y/N mimicked the twins' tone

"He's an artist!" Ron told everyone

"You think you're in love, Ron?" Ginny asked

"Shut up." Ron rolled his eyes

"I'm just going to pop out for a few minutes." Y/N told Arthur

"Stay safe." Arthur warned them

Y/N left the tent and looked around. They walked around the area for a while before seeing Regulus standing there, looking at the sky.

"Hey Reggie." Y/N walked over to him

"Hey, N/N." Regulus smiled at them, "How have you been?"

"Good. I moved in with Remus and Sirius. I met your niece, Nymphadora Tonks. It's been ok." Y/N shrugged

"Y/N. Listen to me closely. You shouldn't be here. Leave while you can." Regulus placed his hands on their shoulders, "You need to leave!" He warned them

Spells started to get shot everywhere. People began to run out of their tents.

"Go back to the Weasleys! Now!" Regulus told them

Y/N ran off and found the Weasleys once again.

"Get back to the Portkey, everybody, and stick together!" Arthur told them all

Harry got lost and Y/N, Ron and Hermione ran after him. Barty Crouch and some other wizards surrounded them.

"Those people tonight, in the masks, they're his too, aren't they?" Harry put the pieces together, "His followers?"

"Yeah." Arthur nodded, "Death Eaters."

Y/N looked up at the dark mark.

"It's he same mark Death Eaters have on their right arm." Y/N held their right arm, "Can we leave now?"

Arthur led all the kids back to the portkey. Y/N followed behind the group.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Arthur asked

"I saw something a while back, connected with today and before." Y/N explained, "The dark mark. Voldemort. So many things are familiar."

"Like what? What so familiar?" Arthur asked

"I had a dream the other night. It was about Voldemort. Peter was there. And Barty Crouch Jr." Y/N told him, "They used to be my friends. Peter friends with James. Barty friends with Regulus. And where's Evan? Normally he's with Barty."

Arthur went silent.

"Y/N. Evan Rosier is dead. He was killed by Mad Eye Moody because he was a death eater." Arthur spoke up

"No." Y/N shook their head, "He wouldn't be one."

"I'm sorry."

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