Chapter 74

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Y/N continued to ask the two questions. She found out the side effects.

•Injuries will hurt more
•More emotional
•Can still turn off emotions just like a vampire

Y/N gave Stefan back the daylight necklace and  teleported back to the Weasley's. Everyone was asleep. She walked upstairs and found Regulus sleeping in one of the rooms. Y/N laid down next to him and fell asleep.

Regulus opened his eyes and looked at his wife. He held her hand in his and took her wedding ring off. Then, he put a duplicate ring on her finger, a fake. Regulus picked up a notebook and looked through it before putting it down.

"I'm sorry." Regulus pointed his wand at Y/N, "But it's for your own good. I want to keep you safe."

He was hesitant about doing this.

"Imperio." He whispered

Y/N, under the imperius curse, and Regulus arrived back at the Wealsey's house just before the sun rose. No one was awake so they went upstairs and got into bed. Regulus took the curse off Y/N and allowed her to sleep. He took the original ring to the desk in the room and sat down.

"Please work." He whispered to himself

Regulus tried many things until the ring was correct. He put the original ring back on her finger and took the fake one away.

"You won't accept, but I need to keep you safe." He said to her, "At all costs. No matter how dark and dangerous it is."

The wedding was the next day and everyone was getting ready. Y/N and Regulus walked outside to see the tent had just been put up. Scrimgeour arrived. Harry, Ron and Hermione sat down while Y/N and Regulus stood by them and Scrimgeour sat in front of them all.

"Herein is set forth the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." Scrimgeour read from a paper, "First, to Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my deluminator, a device of my own making in the hope that, when things seem most dark, it will show him the light."

Scrimgeour handed Ron Dumbledore's deluminator.

"Dumbledore left this for me?" Ron looked at it

"Yeah." Scrimgeour nodded

"Brilliant." Ron smiled, "What is it?"

Ron took the light out of most of the lamps in the room and then sent it back. Y/N had to move out of the way so it would work.

"To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard in the hope that she find it entertaining and instructive." Scrimgeour continued

Ron went on about 'Babbity Rabitty' but no one recognised it.

"To Harry James Potter, I leave the snitch he caught in his first quidditch match at Hogwarts as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill." Scrimgeour handed Harry the snitch

Harry took the snitch and looked at it.

"To Y/N Euphemia Black, the Marauders map, the help her find her way when it is needed and to know that her past choices are always with her." Scrimgeour handed her a piece of parchment

Y/N took it and smiled.

"That seems to be it." Scrimgeour said

"Thank you, Sir." Y/N looked at him, "Is that it then?"

"Not quite." Scrimgeour shook bai head, "Dumbledore left Harry a second bequest: The sword of Godric Gryffindor."

Regulus and Y/N got up and left the room to help with the decorations. Once everything was set, the sun was setting. The vows had been exchanged and the dancing started. Bill and Fleur danced in the middle. Y/N and Regulus stood to the side. Everyone soon began to dance.

"May I have this dance?" Y/N asked Fleur

"Of course." Fleur took her hand

Fleur and Y/N began to dance as Bill and Regulus watched. Y/N danced with Bill for a while, while Regulus danced with Fleur.

"Congratulations." Y/N said to Bill

"Thank you." He thanked her

She walked over to Regulus as Bill and Fleur continued to dance. Remus walked over to the two.

"It needs to happen soon." Remus whispered to Y/N, "Then we know how to kill him when you both go back to the 70's."

"I know." Y/N nodded, "I have a plan but you need to trust me no matter what happens."

"I trust you, Vix." Remus smiled

Y/N smiled back. A ball of blue light hit the center of the tent. It said that the ministry had fallen. Death Eaters began to attack the wedding.

"Ginny!" Harry ran to Ginny

"Go!" Remus pushed Harry to Ron and Hermione

Regulus took Y/N's hand and pulled her over to the trio. They teleported into London, in front of a bus.

"Get back." Y/N ran to the side

The bus drove past.

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