Arven - Daddy Issues

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A/N: This takes place waaaaay after the events of the game, like you're both in your mid 20s

Arven x GN Reader

"___! We need more cookies out front! Grab more please!" Your boss at the Cortondo bakery, Katy asked as she pulled out a fresh tray. You nodded and grabbed a different tray with an assortment of cookies. Ranging from chocolate chip to snickerdoodles. "On it!" You quickly brought out the tray and assorted them in the display prettily. Your other coworker Ophelia, who was working the register, smiled at you. "Thanks ___. And guess what?" "What's up?" You asked, grabbing your notepad and pencil to go take some orders for the people sitting on the terrace. "He's baaack!" She sang out and you felt your face warm up. "Where?" "First table you'll see. I get his usual ready just in case." You nodded and proceeded outside to the terrace.  There was a young man who had started coming in recently, and you and your co-workers quickly noticed how he constantly and shyly stared at you. You had talked to him a little but it was mostly very little small talk. You hadn't even gotten his name yet even though he knew yours from the nametag you wore.

You immediately spotted him at a table, his Mabostiff lying under the table at his feet. His long hair was pulled back into a ponytail and you couldn't help, but notice the way his bangs feel in front of his eye before he would push it back. He was currently absorbed in a book. You smiled and walked up to him, catching his attention. "Bienvenido de nuevo, can I get you and Mabostiff anything today?" A faint blush adorned his cheeks, "Just a cranberry muffin with Pinap juice for me, and a wild berry mix for him." You wrote it all down and went to go help other tables/ before you got far, you heard his voice, a little shaky, "A-Arven..." You looked at him. "Hm?" "My name is Arven...I figured since I knew your name, you should know mine.." You smiled, making his blush worse. "Encantado de conocerte Arven, you'll have your food shortly."

"You got his name!?" Ophelia asked as you brought in the orders, and you relayed her on what happened. You nodded. "Arven." "Ok, please tell me you're going to ask him out! He totally has a thing for you!" You looked away, "You know I can't...I already have my hands full with work and...and Matías.." Matías was your 6 year old son from your last relationship. His other parent had just abandoned you both one day when he was only a year old, leaving you to raise him on your own. And you loved him more than anything. He was currently at school with your Pyroar around to keep him safe and escort him to the bakery after school. Your Pyroar was very protective of you both. Ophelia's face fell, "'s he doing by the way?" You smiled a little, "He's good, loves his school and the friends he has there." "___ don't you think he'd like another parental figure in his life? And you deserve a break...being s ingle working parent is not easy..." "I know...I do want to date again, but I just don't have the time, and even if interested. He may bolt once he finds out you have I have a kid..." You grab Arven's food and Ophelia nudges you, "Won't know if you won't try."

"Ok, cranberry muffin, pinap juice, and wild berry mix for Mabostiff." You p[laced Arven's food in front of him before placing the bowl in front of his partner, giving him a pet, "And a special treat for you." You reached into your apron pocket and pulled out one of Katy's special pokétreats to feed him before standing up, "¡Que aproveche!" You told him before going to get more dishes for other customers, not noticing the soft smile he directed at you.

3pm had finally rolled around and you heard a familiar sound, 'Rooar!' and the sound of a young boy laughing. "Sounds like he's here." Ophelia smiled and even Katy came out. You looked out the window for your son, but saw Arven and his pokémon leaving and giving you a small wave, which you shyly returned. "Stay Pyroar! Zaza and I will be right back!' you heard as the door chimed open and Matías stood there, smiling ear to ear. You couldn't help the smile on your face when seeing him he was small and a little tanned with fluffy dark hair, and he had your eyes. "Zaza!" He yelled before running over to you. You kneeled down to scoop him into your arms and spun him around. "How was school buddy?" "I had fun! Pyroar gave me and my friends rides!" You laughed as Katy came over, "Matías, does that mean you were good at school?" He looked at Katy and shyly nodded. "Then that means you can have a special treat!" She held out a small donut with honey and powdered sugar to him. His eyes sparkled as he grabbed it, "What do we say buddy?" "G-gracias Katy..." You and Ophelia melted. Matías had had a little crush on Katy for almost a year. You were pretty sure it was just because she gave him so many treats. "___ you can head home ok? Good work today." Katy offered and you nodded, adjusting Matías in your arms. "Thanks Katy, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" You walked out with your son while he waved to everyone. You were about to exit when one of the other waiters, Max, ran over to you. "Hey ___! Before you go I have something for you!" "What is it?" He reached into his apron and pulled out a small piece of paper, "That guy who likes you left this for you along with your tip." You grabbed the paper and looked at it, before blushing. "Zaza what is it?" "Nothing buddy, let's go home." You pocketed the paper with Arven's number on it.

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