Shauntal - Coworkers

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Requested by Neo_Blizzard

Shauntal x Male Reader

Shauntal entered the library nervously, her Chandelure floating in beside her. Shauntal was a proud member of the Elite Four in Unova, but she also worked in a library in Opelucid City in her off time. Being surrounded by so many books made her feel so at ease, and when the library was quiet she could work on her current novel. A girl who communicates with ghost types and finds her lost love re-incarnated. Fun right?

But lately she's been having trouble concentrating. She walked past a row of books until se saw the front desk, and gulped. A boy was sitting there with a Glaceon and drinking his iced coffee while he read a book. His feet were propped up on the desk. [Name], one of the new librarians who worked here. The boss decided to always have two librarians, at least, working at a time. That way someone could man the front desk while the other put books away and helped when needed.

And he was cute. Really really cute. Just the sight of him made her knees weak and hands sweaty (A/N: Moms's spaghetti). He didn't seem to notice her yet. She adjusted her glasses and smoothed down the skirt of her dress before approaching. "Um hi there [Name]!" She quietly called out, trying her best not to disturb the few library patrons that were there.

Currently there were only four people. A girl with dark hair and glasses sitting next to a guy wearing headphone and a face mask, and another girl with dark hair in a ponytail sitting with a guy with fluffy white hair. [Name] looked up from his book and smiled. "Hey Shauntal! Ready for another day?" His Glaceon yipped happily beside him. Shauntal's cheeks turned a tinge of pink as she nodded, "Of course! No one has come to challenge us lately so I've got time!" His smile instantly put Shauntal in a good mood. "Do you want the front desk first? Or putting returns away?" [Name] gestured to a trolley full of books beside him.

Shauntal smiles, "I'm good for either." [Name] nodded before standing up and stretching out his arms above his head. Shauntal forced herself to look away when his shirt rode up a bit. "I've been sitting for a while. And I promised the bosss I'd set up the kids section for story hour. Front desk is all yours. I know you wanna write anyway." Glaceon jumped up onto his shoulder and [Name] patted Shauntal's shoulder as he walked by.

Shauntal froze up and could only turn her head to watch [Name] head to the kiddy corner. She watched as he kneeled down and examine the books, trying to decide which one to have the volunteer read. 

"Excuse me?" A voice jolted Shauntal back to reality. She turned and saw the girl with glasses standing there with a book, the boy who had headphone standing beside her and his arm around her shoulders. "Can I check this out please?" The girl asked. Shauntal nodded quickly. "Yes of course! Right this way!"

[Name] looked up from the shelves and smiled softly. He watched Shauntal taker her spot at the front desk to check the book out. Truth is [Name] had been crushing on Shauntal for a while now. She just looked so cute when she got absorbed in her writing or a good book. Not to mention how smart and talented she was. He just could never muster the courage to actually ask her out.

The two worked in silence for a long while. Silence was something you got used to  when working in a library. And Shauntal and [Name] would take quicks peeks at each other when the other wasn't looking. Everyone else in the library could see how obvious it was and were silently shipping the two of them.


A couple more hours go by and the library was empty besides our two librarians. Shauntal had her notebook out and was working on her novel, tongue poking out a bit from her immense concentration. [Name] was leaning against a shelf, watching her with an amused expression. Chandelure wasn't with her so it must have gone to wander the shelved. As long as it didn't accidentally set any books on fire again it was fine. [Name] turned to his Glaceon,. "Why don't you go make sure Chandelure doesn't get into any trouble?" Glaceon yipped before jumping down off his shoulder and running off to go find Chandelure.

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