Grusha - Frostbite

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Requested by CorrineGlaceon

Grusha x Female Reader

A/N: Concept for Team Frostbite belongs to PyroKnight1237! Thank you for the permission to use it in this oneshot!

TW: Bullying, mentions of blood

[Name] had become accustomed to the cold long ago. It's easy when your hometown is Icirrus City in the Unova region. But that's not the only reason. Do people even realize how cruel they could be?

Years ago, [Name] was just a child in the snow and cold of Twist Mountain, making snowmen and snowwomen, snow angels, and building a fort of snow. She had spent so much time doing this that she had befriended some of the ice pokémon around the city. And she even felt like she could communicate with them sometimes. 

[Name] could spend all her time playing hide and seek with the Cubchoo, throwing snowballs at the Beartic, and chasing around the Cryogonal. She would talk to them all the time, like she could talk with the pokémon, and they could talk back. But [Name] never seemed to have the same connection with humans.

[Name] would get called mean names at school, treating her poorly just for communing with the local ice types. Frozen freak. Snow brain. These are names [Name] grew accustomed to. The ice pokémon were her only friends.

But there was one day that stood out vividly in her mind.

[Name] was rolling up snow to make a small snow Cubchoo, when she heard faint whimpering coming from a bank of snow. Whatever pokémon was there, sounded like it was in pain. She quickly ran over to see a small silver Eevee shivering in the snow. She almost didn't see it, but its cries of pain gave it away. "Oh no..." [Name] picked it up gently, and it felt frozen. "It's ok...I'm going to take care of you!" She unzipped your jacket quickly, stuffing the Eevee inside before zipping it back up, hoping her body warmth can keep it comfortable enough before getting to the pokémon center. 

[Name] booked it out of the mountain and towards the city, running as fast as her little legs would take her. "Look! It's the frozen freak!" Someone yelled. [Name] felt her face burn with anger, but she had more important things to do. She kept moving, until something hit her in the head. She stopped and raised one of her hands to the back of her head, snow. One of the kids had thrown a snowball at her. Whatever, doesn't matter right now.

Then she got hit again. And again. And again. She tried to ignore it and keep moving, she could see the lights of the pokémon center. But she got hit again, and this one hurt. She feel forward onto the pavement, barely managing to maneuver her body so she landed on her back, protecting Eevee. This time when she checked her head, her fingers came back wet and red. She fought back tears as she took in her surroundings. The snowballs they threw were nothing, but snow...and ice and rocks. The sounds around her became fuzzy. She couldn't make out the taunts of the children around her. Then everything went dark.



The alarm clock beside [Name]'s bed blared as she opened her eyes. Her pokémon team all stood up from their various spots in her dorm room, yawning and stretching. [Name] finally stretched out, shutting the alarm off.

"Morning everyone..." She called out to her team, at least those small enough to fit in her little dorm: Glaceon, Beartic, and Weavile. Her other pokémon: Mamoswine, Lapras, and Abamasnow, were simply too big and had to stay in their pokéballs. While Weavile usually slept against a curled up Beartic, and Glaceon slept on the bed with you. 

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