Kieran - Friends? Pt. 3

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Requested by kisoshi2004

Kieran x Female Reader


More time has passed since the events at Kitakami and Blueberry Academy. You eventually had to leave the exchange program at Blueberry to return to Paldea, but you left on a happy note. Now, it was time to graduate from Naranja and move on to bigger things, but you could never forget my time at these amazing schools.

Your dorm room was all packed up except for one thing, a photo album. Old fashioned, I know, but there was just something you loved about photos in an album rather than on a phone. And when you met a woman named Perrin? She convinced you to become a photographer as well. You already had a bunch of photos of Glaceon that were once stuck to all the walls of your dorm, now safely packed away. And you would be starting work as Perrin's assistant in a few months.

You flipped through the album, smiling at all the memories. There were pictures of you and Atticus after the whole Team Star debacle, pictures of the two of you and the rest of Team Star, some of you and Ortega together. Then the blueberry pictures came up: you with the BB elite, you, Carmine, and Lacey posing in the different biomes, and Kieran.

You could have an entire album dedicated to just you and Kieran. You actually do have a separate book of all the pictures you could find of the two of you in Kitakami, before everything went downhill, when Kieran was your best friend and first... and only boyfriend.

You looked down at Glaceon, who was snoozing away in your lap, its lighter colors catching the sunlight filtering through the window. You and Kieran had stayed friends while at Blueberry like you had talked about...after that kiss. Your face still burned with joy and mild embarrassment whenever you thought about how it felt to kiss him. You so badly wanted to do it again, but held back. You two have been good. You've gotten to know this new Kieran, just like he's gotten to know you, the girl that grew up with her faithful Glaceon by her side, the reminder that you two would always be connected somehow.

You had fallen for Kieran all over again, if not harder this time around. He started wearing his hair down again, but he kept a lot of the seriousness he had developed, just toned it down so as not to freak anyone out. And he had made amends with all the classmates he was too rough on. But every once in a while, you'd catch a glimpse of his shy side again and melted on the inside.

It was pretty obvious to most people that you two would eventually get together, but that didn't stop either of you from being asked out. In fact, when Amarys finally realized how she felt and asked Kieran out, it had felt like a Rhyhorn had collided right into your gut. You had to excuse yourself with Carmine followed close behind because you were about to burst into tears. You and Kieran weren't officially dating, so Amarys had every right to ask him out. You weren't mad at her for it at all. Later, you found out Kieran had gently told Amarys he wasn't interested and went to go find you. You and Amarys were still friends, but you could tell things were tense.

And there was another time when you were visiting Kitakami there and saw some of your school friends: Arven, Nemona, and Penny. Kieran immediately didn't like Arven, but you couldn't figure out why. And then Arven asked if you would want to go out sometime. Kieran was ready to destroy Arven right then and there, but Carmine held him back so you could politely decline Arven.

A knock on the doors pulls you out of your day dreams. "Oi! [Name]! You ready or what!? I'll leave without you!" You heard Ortega calling from behind the door. You closed the book and bounced your leg a bit to wake Glaceon. "It's time, Glaceon!"

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