Zoey - First Date

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A request from Herosperger!

Zoey x Male Reader

A/N: Ramanos park is going to be an amusement park in this. I am aware that's not how it actually is, it's just for story!

"Ok ___ you can do this, she's a person, you can just asker her. If she says yes, awesome! You're in! If she says no, you'll just hide in the underground for a while. You can do this." You were trying to psych yourself up in the mirror. You looked down at your Bonsly, "I can do this right?" "Bonsly!" "Right!"

You waited outside the contest hall in Hearthome city for Zoey to come out. She was in there doing some practice with her Glameow for their next contest. You were starting to get nervous, so you took out your polaroid camera and started taking pictures around you. Some of the contest hall, some of your precious Bonsly, and some of the Drifloon you watched glide through the air. "___?" You jumped at the sudden voice and turned to see Zoey and her Glameow standing in front of the hall smiling at you. "Oh! Hey Zoey! Uh how was the practice?" "Great! I think we're ready for the next contest." She approached you and you felt you heart speed up. "So you wanted to talk?" "Uh yes! I was..wondering..Zoey..if you would..go with me to..Ramanos Park? Like a date...?" You got it out and your Bonsly stood next to your foot, trying to offer it's support by leaning against you. Zoey's smile widened, "I'd love that ___!" Pick me up tomorrow morning?" "I..yes I will!" "Great, see you then." Zoey winked at you before heading to the pokemon center with her Glameow on her heel. Once she was out of sight, you jumped and fist pumped the air, "YES!" "Bonsly!" You've had a crush on the contest star since you witnessed her in a contest in Hearthome. You were quick to approach her and tell her how much you admired her and her Glameow and you two were able to become fast friends. With her being from Snowpoint City, you didn't see her very often for a while. You captured a Honchkrow just so you would have a way to visit her there. You had been wanting to ask her out for a while, but you also wanted to get to know her as a friend first, and now it was all coming together.

Early the next morning, you headed over to the pokemon center to pick up Zoey and she was already waiting outside. "Zoey!" You waved. She turned to you smiling and waving, "Hey ___!" "Ready to go?" Zoey nodded and you let out your Honchkrow. You both climbed on and began your journey to the park. (A/N: Also aware Honchkrow would not be big enough to carry two people, but we'll just say you have an extra large one! For story!) 

Ramanos park is the amusement park in Sinnoh completely themed around legendary pokemon of the world, making it a very big draw for people. Once landed you returned your Honchkrow to its ball and you each took out your Bonsly and her Glameow to walk around with you in the park. "Zoey I hope you don't mind but.." You reached into your backpack and pulled out your polaroid camera. "I was hoping to take lotss of pictures for today?" "I don't mind, why don't we start with finding a photo book at one of the shops to store them in?" "Great idea" You smiled, already having the time of your life if Zoey.

You picked out a photo book with the different Regi pokemon on it and proceeded with the rest of the park. The Rayquaza-coaster, the spinning Regi's, a carousel with Suicune, Raikou, and Entei, a ride that brought you into the sky and ride on Latios, Latias, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Lugia, and Ho-Oh, and even a haunted house themed after Giratina. You and Zoey would take turns taking photos with your camera and carefully placing them in the photo book. One of both of you on the rollercoaster, Zoey riding on a Suicune, both of you and your pokemon spinning in a Registeel head, you riding in a Latios, and her Glameow trying to comfort your Bonsly in the haunted house. Nearing the end of the day, you were sharing a cotton candy cone with each other and heading towards the ferris wheel where each box had images of different legendaries on them. You both stepped into the one with Mewtwo on it by the time you finished your treat. "Today was so much fun ___, thank you for bringing me." "Of course Zoey, I had a lot of fun today." The carriage began moving as the sun started to dip below the horizon. "___, how long have you been waiting to ask me out?" Your face flushed, "I..Since I saw you in that contest, but I swear I wanted to start out as friends first!" You blurted out and waving your arms erratically. You stopped once you heard Zoey laugh, "___ it's ok! I'm just happy you finally asked me out." She said while moving closer and lacing your hands together. "How long have you-?" "I thought you were cute when we first met, but you've gotten more handsome the more I got to know you, so I'm glad we were friends first" You both smiled at each other. Zoey suddenly perked up again, "Can I see the camera?" "Uh sure" You handed it to her, "Want a picture of the view?" Zoey shook her head, and held the camera up so it was facing you both. You smiled at it, but suddenly Zoey was right in front of you and kissed you softly. You were in shock and about to reciprocate, but you head the click of a camera. Zoey pulled away all too soon and started to fan the photo popping out of the camera. It was a clear image of your first kiss with you looking like a doofus. "I know I'll remember our first kiss, but just to really remember it you know?" You stared at her, then placed your hands on her cheeks, drawing her in for another kiss.

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