Serena - Rivals

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Serena x Male Reader

"___! Over here!" Trevor called over to you. Your Quilladin jumping happily at the sight of him.. You immediately looked around for a particular blonde, but was disappointed to see she wasn't around. "What are you looking for?" Trevor asked noting how much your head was swiveling around. "Ah nothing, everyone else here?" You asked. Trevor shook his head, "Just us and Tierno. He's at the Pokémon center healing up his team. I think we should head to the Tower of Mastery though." You nodded and adjusted your backpack, "I'll meet you guys there then..." you parted with Trevor and started walking. Truthfully, you were hoping Serena would be around. She was a close friend, your rival, and also the girl that you were practically in love with. She helped you a lot at the beginning of your journey and has been a constant in your journey, and soon you were able to be the one who helped her. She was strong, beautiful, and intelligent. Everything you ever wanted, and all you wanted was to be more than friends.

You arrived at the tower and stared up at the giant Lucario statue. There you met the gym leader Korrina and the Mega Evolution Guru. Your friends trickled in slowly, first Trevor and Tierno, then Shauna. When you heard the door behind you creak open, you whipped your head around and heart sped up. Serena stood in the doorway with her Braixen next to her. Time seemed to stop around you as Serena stood there, the light seeming to hit her just right, making her appear glowing. You shook your head a but and smiled at her, she smiled back. "Sorry I'm late everyone." "No problem Serena!" Shauna exclaimed. You gulped and waved. "Hey Serena". It could've been your imagination, but you could've sworn her smile got bigger once she set eyes on you. "Hi ___".

The Guru and Korrina explained to them all what mega evolution was and how it seemed to work, including the use of a bracelet and stone. "But I've only got one bracelet at the you'll have to decide amongst yourselves who gets it." Tierno, Trevor, and Shauna weren't much interested in battling, so that left you and Serena. Now you may have feelings for her, but she was still your rival, and you wanted that Mega Evolution. "How about we battle for it ___?" She smiled, and you agreed.

With your team, you were able to beat Serena, but your celebration was short lived when you saw the look on her her face. She looked...upset, like she couldn't believe she actually lost. She perked her head up and plastered on a smile, "Well..that's that then. I'll catch up to you ___." And without another word, she left. Your heart ached. You barely made out the gurus words and didn't say much once he handed you the bracelet. As soon as it was on your wrist, you ran out of the tower to find Serena.

She hadn't gone far, she was just leaving the pokemon center when you caught up to her. "Serena!" You called out and she turned toward you, a small smile on her face, not like her usual self. "Oh hey ___, off to challenge Korrina next?" "I came to check on you!" You exclaimed, not caring about the passersby who were looking at him. "I'm fine ___, I lost, it happens." "But I.." "It just means I'm not ready yet, I'm not strong enough.." she tried to walk past you, but you grabbed her hand. She stared at you, pink on her cheeks. "You are ready! You're amazing Serena! The way you work with your Braixen and Espurr is awesome and they love you. I can sense the strong bond between you all!" You took a step closer, "You're the one who inspires me Serena. I can be the best I am because of you. You're the one I'm trying to be better for!" You placed both your hands on her cheeks and pressed your lips against hers. This wasn't how you planned on kissing her, but it felt right in the moment. You were worried she would push you away and be angry, but she was quick to reciprocate the kiss. Your lips moving together in sync. When you pulled away, both your faces were flushed. "I..should've asked...sorry.." you said sheepishly. Serena smiled, her usual big smile, "I forgive you this time ___, but will you do it again now?" "Do you believe how amazing you are now?" She nodded. You pulled her close to you again, kissing her sweetly.

 You pulled her close to you again, kissing her sweetly

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