N - Three Years Later

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Requested by CodilynLunn

A/N: This is a part two to the first N story, but can be read as a standalone!

N x Female Reader

It had been three years since you abandoned your old life to be with N. You had lived in a small cottage in a secret part of the forest, constantly guarded by the forest pokemon, ensuring that no outsiders would disrupt your peaceful space. Of course, you didn't stay cooped in your tranquil space all the time. You and N would still venture out every once in a while to explore the outside world and gather the necessities you couldn't just forage. Especially when the baby came.

After about a year, you and N discovered that you would be parents and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl after nine months. She had N's lovely green hair and your eyes. N held your newborn baby close as you rested against a Sawsbuck's side, while a Clefairy and your faithful Dewott watched over you. You were drenched in sweat and tears, but N still believed you to be beautiful. "What will we name her?" You asked him, still panting from the exertion of delivering a baby. N hummed as he stared at your new daughter, "Sakiya.." He decided. You smiled, and N kneeled down next to you, placing Sakiya into your arms. "That's perfect.. I love you N" He kissed your forehead. "I love you too [Name]."

You did not want to raise your daughter in isolation, and you wanted your daughter to experience the world. You insisted on leaving the grove more with N, and he agreed. N grew up in isolation and was taken advantage of. He would not let his daughter meet that same fate. So every week, the small family would go out and explore Unova on Tropius' back.

You loved how your daughters face would light up at her new surroundings. And now she is turning one. It was a happy occasion, but something felt like it was missing. You were sitting in an old rocking chair with Sakiya in your arms, looking out at the forest outside the window. "[Name]?" N asked from the doorway. You motioned for him to come him, and he smiled at you both. He kneeled by your side, "What's wrong, my sweet?" "You're not going to like it." You responded, not meeting his eyes, only focusing on your daughter's sleeping face. "Whatever you need, I will provide my sweet. I only wish for yours and Sakiya's happiness." He cupped your cheek softly. You leaned into it, turning just enough to kiss his palm.

"I want Sakiya to meet others.. like Bianca." N smiled softly, "Is that all? That's nothing to be worried about my sweet. Is that the only person you want her to meet?" His voice shook a bit. He was worried you would bring a certain man up, but you shook your head. You shook your head no, "I suppose the professor as well, maybe some of the...other, gym leaders I've befriended. I bet Marlon would love her." You laughed a little thinking of the swimmers' reaction. Those trainers were the only ones outside of N and Sakiya you considered family. Your parents passed away at a young age, and you had no siblings.

N stood up and collected a bag from nearby. "Then we shall visit them all and introduce Sakiya to them. I'll pack while you stay with her. She'll need the rest."

A while later, after Sakiya has woken, you, N, Sakiya, and your Dewott were riding on N's Tropius. Dewott was keeping your daughter entertained by performing small tricks with its shell and water. You smiled at the both of them.

You landed in front of Progessor Juniper's lab. N hopped off first and took Sakiya from you. As soon as you landed, the doors to the lab opened, and Juniper and Bianca both came running out, confused by the Tropius at their lab. As soon as Bianca saw you, her eyes welled up with tears. "[Name]!" She ran over and pulled you into a fierce hug. Tears wet your cheeks as well as you hugged her back. "I'm sorry [Name]! Cheren and I treated you so horribly back then! We should have been there for you, but we weren't! I was so worried when I didn't hear from you!" She pulled away, sniffling, "I had heard that you and N could be spotted in town sometimes with a baby.. I tried finding you..." She sobbed again.

True, Cheren and Bianca weren't kind to you in the past, but you didn't expect Bianca to understand. Cheren didn't have an excuse, but that was the past. You stroked Bianca's hand with your thumb, a comfort that N would often provide to you when you were upset. "Hey, it's ok. I forgive you for all that, ok? I came because I wanted you to meet our daughter.." Bianca's eyes widened, and she turned to face N. Sakiya was in his arms babbling happily at Juniper, who was playing with the baby. "So it's true... she's beautiful [Name]. I would ask if she's really N's but...look at that hair." She laughed.

You saw N's arms tense for a moment before relaxing again. Bianca went over to see Sakiya, and Juniper approached you next. "She was quite worried about you.. buried herself in tasks for a long time.." You lowered your head a bit. "I apologize if my leaving affected her work." She waved it off, "I understand. You were going through a hard time with no support from the people you cared about most." She turned, and you followed in suit, both of you looking at N. "But it seems you found someone to help you, and you've gotten a beautiful daughter out of it. We're all glad you're happy [Name]."

You walked over to N and kissed his cheek before taking Sakiya back into your arms.

Bianca went and called all your friends about your visit, and they were all at Juniper's lab in no time. Marlon, Irish, Drayden, Shauntel, Roxie, and the Striation brothers all came by to visit. And you were right about Marlon. He and Sakiya absolutely adored each other. She would cry if she wasn't being held by either her parents or Marlon. "She's wonderful [Name]! You and N are so cute together too! We're glad you're both happy!" Iris stated as your daughter was being entertained, N's arm wrapped tightly around your waist. You looked around.

At your friends, your daughter, who was being fanned over and guarded by your Dewott, and finally N. Your eyes met his spring green ones. He was the man who cared for you more than anyone here. Your light in the dark. Your ticket to freedom those years ago. The only man who truly cared for you. Irish went to go join everyone again, leaving you with just N. You leaned up to kiss him softly. He still smelled like fresh grass and morning dew. N held you close as you kissed.

"Whag was that for?" He whispered softly after you had pulled apart, but your lips were still less than a centimeter apart. "Thank you.." "What on earth for my sweet?" "Everything. You've done everything for me. You made me feel loved and safe. You gave me Sakiya. You saved me. Thank you N, I love you so much." N smiled and pecked your lips again, "There's no need to thank me, my sweet. I'd do it all over again if it was what you wanted. You and Sakiya are the most important things in the world to me." You pressed your foreheads together and got lost in each others eyes for a moment. The only sounds being the wind blowing through the trees and your friends celebrating your daughter.

In that moment, everything felt, perfect.

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