Brawly - Savior

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Brawly x Female Reader

All you wanted was to enjoy a nice peaceful day at the beach in Dewford. Just you, your Sealeo, and a nice day. Unfortunately, it seems like the universe had other plans in store for you.

You had just laid your towel on the sand and let Sealeo out of its ball so you two could relax. You had your favorite blue and white polka dot swimsuit on, your sunglasses, and you had the book you've been dying to read. All that was left was to put on sunscreen on and enjoy the day. You had squeezed a little bit onto your hands, start rubbing on your arms, when you heard someone whistle not far from you. You turned and saw a group of guys looking right at you. You turned away quickly, hoping they hadn't seen you. They did.

"Hey, good lookin, need some help?" One of the guys asked, now extremely close to you. "He'll do a shit job, but I can get ya beautiful!" Another voice came from your other side. Your Sealeo started to come over, but another guy crossed in its path, cutting it off. A pair of hands was on your shoulders now, attempting to massage them, but it was just hurting you. "Let's go in the water, huh, pretty girl? You'll have fun with me!" You grit your teeth, "Can you please let go? And leave me alone. I came to relax, not get harassed." You forced the guys' hands off your shoulders. "And what better way to relax than with three handsome guys?" "Yea c'mon! Other girls would kill for this kind of attention from us!" Your patience was running thin. "Just get way from me!"

"Hey babe! Sorry it took me so long. This place is huge!" Another voice rang out. All of you faced the new voice, but you really felt like you were gonna lose it. A guy with stuck-up blue hair wearing orange swim trunks and carrying a surfboard. He was smiling lazily at you. "These guys bothering you, babe?" He was in front of you know and glanced at the other guys. You formed your mouth into a tight line, but then you met his eyes. His eyebrows were slightly pushed together, and his body seemed tense. He was trying to get a question across without really asking. His eyes were almost pleading. You swallowed, "Th-these guys won't leave me alone." The blue haired guy nodded and glared at the three others. "Y'know, it's rude to hit on another guy's girlfriend. Especially in front of her boyfriend." "Hey she looked pretty lonely over here, man. Maybe a guy who leaves a pretty thing like this alone has no business dating her?" The guy with the board smirked and pulled out a pokeball. "Makuhita, why don't you come help me." A Makuhita came out in a fighting pose.

Yours and all the guys' eyes widened. The blue hair, surfboard, and Makuhita? The guys faces paled. This was Brawly, leader of the Dewford City gym. How did you not recognize him before!? You followed Brawly's career closely and had developed a small crush on him. You had surfing posters with his face on them and constantly watched his battles whenever they were put on the air. And now here he was, saving you from a bunch of guys and claiming to be your boyfriend. Your face reddened, and your heart was beating so loud. You're surprised the people around you couldn't hear it.

The guys quickly scrambled away from you. "H-hey, if she had a boyfriend, she should have said so!" "Look we're leaving, ok!?" They started to quickly leave, and your Sealeo came up to check on you. "Sealeo?" 'Seal?' "Ice ball at them, but just a small one?" You smiled. Sealeo nodded and turned to shoot small ice balls at your three harassers. Three small balls of freezing ice, which more closely resembled snow balls, flew through the air and hit each guy in the back of the head. You quietly laughed at their sounds of displeasure.

"You alright?" Brawly asked, his voice soft and full of concern. You stared back up at him. "Y-yea, thank you." He smiled at you again, the smile you had previously only seen on TV or posters. "That's good. Seemed like ya coulda handled yourself, but a little help never hurts, right?" His Makuhita came up to greet your Sealeo as they seemed to converse for a bit. "Right." You smiled brightly, not noticing how pink Brawly's cheeks got.

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